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Q: How do you calculate the effective resistance?
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How do you calculate effective resistance of an electronic curcuit?

its the same as normal resistance, so if you wanted to add the resistors when in parallel you would add them by 1/R1 +1/R2=. If they were in series you would simply add.

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An effective resistance posture

4 How do you determine current in a parallel DC circuit?

The current in each individual component of the parallel circuit is equal to (voltage across the combined group of parallel components) / (individual component's resistance). The total current is the sum of the individual currents. ============================== Another approach is to first calculate the combined effective resistance of the group of parallel components. -- take the reciprocal of each individual resistance -- add all the reciprocals -- the combined effective resistance is the reciprocal of the sum. Then, the total current through the parallel circuit is (voltage across the parallel circuit) / (combined effective resistance of the components).

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Resistance is resistance , no matter if it is contact resistance or any other resistance. And formula is R = V / I.

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MY ANSWER!!Not very effective if you ask me.....

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Rt = 1.25

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How do you calculate Resistance of 70mm2 single core wire?Read more: How_do_you_calculate_resistence_of_70mm2_single_core_wire

What is the resistance you n the circuit when 10v2k greek symbol along with4k greek symbol?

In order to calculate the effective combined resistance, we need to know whether they are connected in series or in parallel. We don't know which circuit configuration is indicated when you say "along with".

What will happen if a second bulb is added to a parallel circuit?

-- The voltage doesn't change. -- If the second light bulb is identical to the first, then the total resistance drops by half. -- If they're not identical, then we have to know the details of both before we can calculate their combined effective resistance.

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