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Power factor is the ratio of watts (true power) to VA (volt-amperes, also called apparent power). Where the load is resistive only, the power factor is one, or unity, because the voltage waveform and the current waveform are in phase. Thus, for resistive loads only, true power and VA are the same. Where the load is reactive, the load stores energy, releasing it during a different part of the cycle. This shifts the current waveform so that it is offset, or out of phase with the voltage waveform. Reactive loads can be inductive (electric motors), capacitive, or non-linear (rectifier power supplies). When the load is inductive, the inductance tends to oppose the flow of current, storing energy then releasing it later in the cycle. The current waveform lags behind the voltage waveform. When the load is capacitive, the opposite occurs, and the current waveform leads the voltage waveform. So, lagging vs. leading is another way of saying the net reactance is either inductive or capacitive. This is slightly simplistic, and what we are talking about above is really DPF, or Displacement Power Factor. Non-linear loads don't really shift the current waveform, they distort it. The current waveform starts to look like a square wave, and square waves contain harmonics. So non-linear loads add harmonic distortion, and this tends to mimic a capacitively reactive load, adding some leading power factor. So when we say power factor, we really must include DPF plus harmonic distortion in total. One memory aid that may help to remember all this is: ELI the ICE man The L in ELI means inductance. The E (voltage) comes first, then the I (current) lags behind. Inductive reactance produces a lagging power factor. The C in ICE means capacitance. The I (current) comes first (leads) then the E (voltage) comes later. Capacitive reactance produces a leading power factor. Remember, it's always the current waveform that is affected by the reactive load, so you have to think about whether the current is leading or lagging. Most reactive loads are inductive, so at most sites the PF is lagging. One cool tidbit is that capacitive reactance cancels out inductive reactance. So if we have a building full of motors, we can add a bunch of capacitors to improve our power factor, meaning we get as close to unity as we can. Thus we have power factor correction capacitors that are made just for this purpose.

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With a lagging power factor the phase of the current lags the voltage, as happens in an inductive load. With a leading power factor the current phase leads the voltage, as happens in a capacitor.

A lagging power factor is usually the problem in electricity supply. A load such as a motor with a lagging power factor can have its power factor corrected by placing a capacitor in parallel. The VA rating of the capacitor should be equal to the VAR (volt-amps reactive) taken by the load.

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Q: What is the difference between lagging and leading power factor?
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Which power factor is advantage lagging or leading and why?

A lagging power factor is caused by inductive reactance, which is composed of resistance and inductance -- and the resistance component lowers the supply volts. A leading power factor provides capacitive reactance that actually helps improve source voltage -- this helps motor loads run cooler.

What determines leading or lagging power factor?

underdampedAnswerA lagging power factor describes a situation in which the load current is lagging the supply voltage. This describes an inductive load, such as a motor, etc.

Why Power factor becomes less lagging when capacitor is switched on?

Because capacitor withdraw leading current from source and net resultant become less lagging.

What is meant by leading and lagging pf?

Power Factor is the ratio of true vs apparent power, and comes into play with a reactive (inductive or capacitive) load. A purely resistive load, such as a light bulb or toaster, will have a power factor of 1 because the current is in phase with the voltage. An inductive load, however, such as a motor, will have a power factor less than 1 because the current lags the voltage. You could also have a capacitive load, with a power factor less than 1, but in this case the current leads the voltage.AnswerThe terms, 'leading' and 'lagging' refer to whether a circuit's load current is leading or lagging the supply voltage. Current will 'lead' in resistive-capacitive (R-C) circuits, and 'lag' in resistive-inductive (R-L) circuits. So, a 'leading power factor' indicates a leading current, and applies to R-C circuits, while a 'lagging power factor' indicates a lagging current, and applies to R-L circuits.

Why do electric utilities object to a leading power factor?

Actually, electric utilities object to a lagging power factor, but it does not really matter if its leading (capacitive) or lagging (inductive). The problem is that true vs apparent is less than unity - that's the definition of power factor - and this causes the indicated power (KW) to be less than the actual power (KVA) by a trigonometric relationship between KW and KVAR (kilo volt-amperes reactive). That energy is still required to be provided, and this requires facilities in excess of what is indicated by the power meter.

Related questions

Leading and lagging power factor?

The terms, 'leading' and 'lagging' refer to what the load current is doing, relative to the supply voltage (Phase difference) -never the other way around. If the current is leading the voltage, then the power factor is 'leading'; if the current is lagging the voltage, then the power factor is 'lagging'.

What happens when lagging Power Factor changes to leading PF?

when lagging Power Factor changes to leading PF, then the voltage across the circuit in which capacitor bank is connected, is increased.

What is difference between 0.8 leading and 0.8 lagging power factors?

Power factor measures the phase difference between voltage and current. If they are in phase the Power Factor is one. If the current and voltage are out of phase the power factor is between zero and one. You can describe the PF by saying the current lags the voltage with a PF = .8 or the voltage leads the current with a .8 PF.

Which power factor is advantage lagging or leading and why?

A lagging power factor is caused by inductive reactance, which is composed of resistance and inductance -- and the resistance component lowers the supply volts. A leading power factor provides capacitive reactance that actually helps improve source voltage -- this helps motor loads run cooler.

How do you mesure leading and lagging factor?

Leading and lagging factors can be measured by comparing their impact on a specific outcome or goal over time. Leading factors are variables that change before the outcome, while lagging factors change after the outcome. By analyzing the correlation between these factors and the outcome, you can determine their level of influence and measure their effect on the desired outcome.

Power factor lead or lag?

By definition, the terms 'leading' and 'lagging' refer to what the load current is doing with respect to the supply voltage. So, for a 'lagging power factor', it is the current that is lagging.

What actually the power factor is?

Power factor is the cosine of the angle by which the current leads or lags the voltage in an a.c. circuit. It can also be defined as the ratio between a load's true power (expressed in watts) and its apparent power (expessed in volt amperes).Power factor is designated as 'leading' or 'lagging' which is determined by whether the current is leading or lagging the supply voltage. Leading currents are associated with resistive-capacitive circuits, whereas lagging current are associated with resistive-inductive circuits.

What determines leading or lagging power factor?

underdampedAnswerA lagging power factor describes a situation in which the load current is lagging the supply voltage. This describes an inductive load, such as a motor, etc.

Why Power factor becomes less lagging when capacitor is switched on?

Because capacitor withdraw leading current from source and net resultant become less lagging.

What is meant by leading and lagging pf?

Power Factor is the ratio of true vs apparent power, and comes into play with a reactive (inductive or capacitive) load. A purely resistive load, such as a light bulb or toaster, will have a power factor of 1 because the current is in phase with the voltage. An inductive load, however, such as a motor, will have a power factor less than 1 because the current lags the voltage. You could also have a capacitive load, with a power factor less than 1, but in this case the current leads the voltage.AnswerThe terms, 'leading' and 'lagging' refer to whether a circuit's load current is leading or lagging the supply voltage. Current will 'lead' in resistive-capacitive (R-C) circuits, and 'lag' in resistive-inductive (R-L) circuits. So, a 'leading power factor' indicates a leading current, and applies to R-C circuits, while a 'lagging power factor' indicates a lagging current, and applies to R-L circuits.

What are the advntage of the leading power factor?

A leading power factor means that the current is leading the voltage. That means that in the AC cycle (50 or 60 Hz) the current reaches its peak before the voltage. The amount of phase-lead can be up to 90 degrees which means one quarter cycle, or 5 milliseconds in a 50 Hz system.

What the negative and positive sign shows for power factor?

Applying a negative or positive sign to power factor is an obsolete method of describing whether it is 'leading' or 'lagging'. We no longer do this. These days, a 'leading power factor' indicates that the load is capacitive and the load current is leading the supply voltage, and a 'lagging power factor' indicates that the load is inductive, and the load current is lagging the supply voltage. Having said that, a 'negative' power factor is also the mathematical consequence of 'negative power' -i.e. the direction of power when it is fed from the load back to the supply (e.g. when the grid feeds energy into a generator, causing it to 'motor'). In this case, the power factor isn't really negative, but simply appears to be so.