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int main(){

int num,r,sum,temp;

int min,max;

printf("Enter the minimum range: ");


printf("Enter the maximum range: ");


printf("Armstrong numbers in given range are: ");



sum = 0;







printf("%d ",num);


return 0;


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11y ago
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10y ago

#include <iostream>

#include <math.h> // for std::pow()

unsigned int get_length(unsigned int num,const unsigned int base=10)


unsigned int len=1;

while(num && (num/=base))


return( len );


bool is_armstrong(const unsigned int num,const unsigned int base=10)


unsigned int len=get_length(num,base);

unsigned int sum=0;

unsigned int tmp=num;



sum+=(unsigned int)std::pow((double)(tmp%base),(double)len);





int main()


std::cout << "Armstrong series (base 10):";

for(unsigned int num=0; num<=0xffffffff; ++num)


std::cout << " " << num;

std::cout << std::endl;



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11y ago


void main()

int n,m,q,sum=0;



pf("enter the value of n");









pf('not palindrome");



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13y ago

#include <stdio.h>

#include <conio.h>

void main()


int a=1,b,y,m,q;




















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11y ago

To find Armstrong numbers using a for loop, the loop simply generates decimal numbers in a given range and tests each of them to see if they are Armstrong numbers in a given base. This is known as a brute force search.

An Armstrong number is any number in base b with n digits such that the sum of each of the digits raised to the power of n is the number itself. Thus 1634 is an Armstrong number because it has 4 digits and (1^4) + (6^4) + (3^4) + (4^4) = 1 + 1296 + 81 + 256 = 1634. Armstrong numbers are dependant upon the base of the number. Thus the number 8 in base 3 is 223, and 2^2 + 2^2 = 4 + 4 = 8. Therefore 223 is an Armstrong number (or, to put it another way, 8 is an Amstrong number in base 3).

The first thing to determine is how many digits there are in a given number for a given base. For instance, the number 3 in base 10 (decimal) has only 1 digit (3), but in base 3 it has 2 digits (103). The number of digits is determined by continually dividing the decimal value of the number by the base until the result is zero (ignoring the remainder of each division). The number of divisions yields the number of digits in that base. Thus 1710 requires 2 divisions: 17/10 = 1, 1/10 = 0, while 1223 (17 decimal) requires 3 divisions: 17/3 = 5, 5/3 = 1, 1/3 = 0. Note that the division is always done on the base 10 value because the denominator (the base) is always a decimal value.

The next problem is to determine the value of any digit at any position in a given number for a given base. The units position is always designated position 0 so for any position greater than 0, we divide the number by the given base raised to the power of the given position. This effectively moves the digit that we are interested in to the units position (position 0). We then divide this new number by the base and take the remainder, which is the digit we are actually looking for. Thus to find the digit in position 2 of the value 3412 decimal, we raise the base by a power of the position, thus 10^2 = 100. We then divide that into 3412 which yields 34 (ignoring the remainder). We then divide by the base and take the remainder. Thus 34/10 = 3 remainder 4. The digit 4 is therefore in position 2.

Once we have these two functions in place, the rest is easy. Given a base, we simply loop through a sequence of numbers. On each iteration we determine the number of digits in the current number, then sum each of the digits in that number raised to the power of the number of digits. If the sum is the same as the number, we've found an Armstrong number and print it. Otherwise we move onto the next number.

The following program will locate all the decimal Armstrong numbers in the range 0 through 268,435,455 (locating the first 29 of the 88 Armstrong numbers). You may change the base to any value in the range 2 through 16 to look at other bases. Note that in base 2, only the values 0 and 1 are Armstrong numbers.

The PrintValue() function is an extra function for dealing with bases other than decimal. It simply prints any decimal value according to the given base. If you want to cater for other bases beyond 16, you must modify the switch statement to cater for all the symbols used by those bases, and adjust the if() statement at the beginning of the function to increase the range.

I've also included a 64-bit unsigned integer definition to cater for huge numbers. If you increase the maximum to 0xffffffffffffffff the program will take many hours to complete. The larger the number, the more calculations that need to be done, thus the time to completion will rise exponentially. Back in 1985, it took about a year to calculate all the Armstrong numbers in base 16.

Note that GetDigit() and GetDigitCount() have been inline expanded within the main() function to improve the overall processing speed. These functions are only actually used by the PrintValue() function when a non-decimal Armstrong number is discovered. The main function is verbosely commented for clarity.

#include <iostream>

typedef unsigned long UINT;

typedef unsigned long long UINT64;

UINT GetDigitCount( UINT64 n, UINT base = 10 )


UINT count;

count = 0;

while( n )


n /= base;



return( count );


UINT GetDigit( UINT64 n, UINT pos, UINT base = 10 )


UINT64 div;

div = base;

if( pos )


while( --pos )

div *= base;

n /= div;


return( n % base );


void PrintValue( UINT64 n, UINT base = 10 )


UINT digits, digit, pos;

if( base < 2 base > 16 )


if( n )

digits = GetDigitCount( n, base );


digits = 1;

for( pos = digits; pos; --pos )


digit = GetDigit( n, pos-1, base );

if( digit < 10 )

printf( "%u", digit );



switch( digit )


case( 10 ): printf( "a" ); break;

case( 11 ): printf( "b" ); break;

case( 12 ): printf( "c" ); break;

case( 13 ): printf( "d" ); break;

case( 14 ): printf( "e" ); break;

case( 15 ): printf( "f" ); break;





int main()


// Constants:

const UINT64 max = 0xfffffff; // maximum possible value is 0xffffffffffffffff

const UINT base = 10;

// Local variables:

UINT64 number, value, accumulator, digit_raised;

UINT digit, digits, pos, raise, count;

// Print the banner:

printf( "Locating base %u Armstrong numbers in the range 0 through %I64u\n\n", base, max );

// Initialise the count:

count = 0;

// Loop through each value in the range.

for( number = 0; number < max; ++number )


// Store the value locally.

value = number;

// Determine the number of digits in the value.

digits = 0;

while( value )



// Reduce the value by an order of the base (ignore the remainder).

value /= base;


// Restore the original value.

value = number;

// Initialise the accumulator.

accumulator = 0;

// Loop through each digit position while the accumulator is in range.

for( pos = 0; pos < digits && accumulator < number; ++pos )


// Extract the unit digit (right-most digit).

digit = value % base;

// Raise the unit digit by the power of the count of digits.

digit_raised = digit;

for( raise = 1; raise < digits; ++raise )

digit_raised *= digit;

// Update the accumulator.

accumulator += digit_raised;

// Reduce the value by an order of the base (ignore the remainder).

value /= base;


// Were all digits processed and does the accumulator equal the original number?

if( pos number )


// Found an Armstrong number!

printf( "Armstrong number %.2I64u: ", ++count );

if( base != 10 )


PrintValue( number, base );

printf( " (%I64u)\n", number );



printf( "%I64u\n", number );



printf( "\n" );

return( 0 );



Locating base 10 Armstrong numbers in the range 0 through 268435455

Armstrong number 01: 0

Armstrong number 02: 1

Armstrong number 03: 2

Armstrong number 04: 3

Armstrong number 05: 4

Armstrong number 06: 5

Armstrong number 07: 6

Armstrong number 08: 7

Armstrong number 09: 8

Armstrong number 10: 9

Armstrong number 11: 153

Armstrong number 12: 370

Armstrong number 13: 371

Armstrong number 14: 407

Armstrong number 15: 1634

Armstrong number 16: 8208

Armstrong number 17: 9474

Armstrong number 18: 54748

Armstrong number 19: 92727

Armstrong number 20: 93084

Armstrong number 21: 548834

Armstrong number 22: 1741725

Armstrong number 23: 4210818

Armstrong number 24: 9800817

Armstrong number 25: 9926315

Armstrong number 26: 24678050

Armstrong number 27: 24678051

Armstrong number 28: 88593477

Armstrong number 29: 146511208

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8y ago

#include <stdio.h>

#include <math.h>

void main()


int number, sum = 0, rem = 0, cube = 0, temp;

printf ("enter a number");

scanf("%d", &number);

temp = number;

while (number != 0)


rem = number % 10;

cube = pow(rem, 3);

sum = sum + cube;

number = number / 10;


if (sum == temp)

printf ("The given no is armstrong no");


printf ("The given no is not a armstrong no");


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10y ago

#include <iostream>

#include <math.h> // for std::pow()

unsigned int get_length(unsigned int num,const unsigned int base=10)


unsigned int len=1;

while(num && (num/=base))


return( len );


bool is_armstrong(const unsigned int num,const unsigned int base=10)


unsigned int len=get_length(num,base);

unsigned int sum=0;

unsigned int tmp=num;



sum+=(unsigned int)std::pow((double)(tmp%base),(double)len);





int main()


std::cout << "Armstrong series (base 10):";

for(unsigned int num=0; num<=0xffffffff; ++num)


std::cout << " " << num;

std::cout << std::endl;



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10y ago

#include <iostream>

#include <math.h> // for std::pow()

unsigned int get_length(unsigned int num,const unsigned int base=10)


unsigned int len=1;

while(num && (num/=base))


return( len );


bool is_armstrong(const unsigned int num,const unsigned int base=10)


unsigned int len=get_length(num,base);

unsigned int sum=0;

unsigned int tmp=num;



sum+=(unsigned int)std::pow((double)(tmp%base),(double)len);





int main()


std::cout << "Armstrong series (base 10):";

for(unsigned int num=0; num<=0xffffffff; ++num)


std::cout << " " << num;

std::cout << std::endl;



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13y ago

This is not a question, it is a request for someone to do your homework.

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