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Some words that start and end with the same letter:

  • antenna
  • bib, blurb, bulb
  • chaotic, characteristic, comic, chronic, cynic
  • dad, dead, did, dried, depend, demand
  • entice, erase, evade, elope, exercise
  • fluff
  • going
  • harsh
  • kick
  • loyal
  • mom, momentum
  • noon, nation, navigation
  • oregano
  • polyp, pep, pulp
  • roster, river
  • status
  • taint, taunt, tot, talent
  • willow
  • yearly
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13y ago

To be exact, it is hard to say because there are too many words that are in their natural form that begin and end with the same letters. Plus, the possibilities are endless if using a D or S, making the word plural.

Example: Natural form:

  1. Barb
  2. Blurb
  3. Boob
  4. Dead
  5. Dud
  6. Estimate
  7. Example
  8. Existence
  9. Fluff
  10. Gag
  11. Knock
  12. Plump
  13. Rear
  14. Taught
  15. Taut
  16. Thought
  17. Toot
  18. Treat
  19. Trout
  20. Wow

Example: Plural form:

  1. Damaged
  2. Damped
  3. Danced
  4. Darkened
  5. Debuted
  6. Deployed
  7. Designated
  8. Die.d
  9. Dumped
  10. Dusted
  11. Samples
  12. Saturates
  13. Seasons
  14. Sessions
  15. Shoulders
  16. Snakes
  17. Soldiers
  18. Spritzes
  19. Squares
  20. Sue.s
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14y ago

Abaza (Northwest Caucasian)

Argobba (Semitic)

Camunic (extinct)

Coptic (extinct Egyptian)

Cumbric (extinct Celtic)

Eblaite (extinct Semitic)

Edomite (extinct Semitic)

Elamite (extinct)

Ewe (Volta-Congo)

Hinukh (Northeast Caucasian)

Ili Turki (Turkic)

Inari Sami (Finno-Ugric)

Juang (Austro-Asiatic)

Kalmyk (Mongolic)

Kodava Takk (Dravidian)

Koryak (Chukotko-Kamchatkan)

Kumyk (Turkic)

Laal (unclassified)

Mam (Mayan)

Nauruan (Malayo-Polynesian)

Nganasan (Samoyedic)

Nisenan (Penutian)

Niuean (Malayo-Polynesian)

Norman (French)

Norn (German)

Norwegian (Germanic)

Oromo (Cushitic)

Scots (Celtic)

St'at'imcets (Salishan)

Tachelhit (Berber)

Tangut (Tibeto-Burman)

Tarifit (Berber)

Tat (Iranian)

Tsat (Malayo-Polynesian)

Urdu (Pakistani)

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Q: All word that start and end with the same letter?
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What are all word that start and end with the same letter?

Here are some words that start and end with the same letter... it isn't all of them but some. Rear, seas, loses, dread, she's, sits, test, seats, stencils. That's all i got!

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When almost every word in a sentence starts with the same letter,it is called alliteration EXAMPLE; never navigate nor net new born fish

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In English, all proper sentences start with a capitalized word.

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Alliteration is when words that follow each other start with the same letter. E.G: crazy car, bouncy bunny...

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You may be thinking of a dictionary, but all the words in the chapter do not start with the same letter. All the words to be defined do, but the language of the definitions do not.

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alliteration alliteration