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There are two types of magnetic metals, those that are permanently magnetic, and those that become magnetic as a result of an electrical field, i.e. electro-magnets.

* Some games such as travel Chess have small magnets in the bases of the pieces, to hold them to the metal board. * Cupboard 'catches' can be magnetic. They close on contact, but can easily be released by pulling the door. * Some necklaces have a magnetic fastener. * Magnets are used to pick up magnetic items such as staples, paper clips, pins,

* Small magnetic blocks are used to store paper clips on a desk. * Credit and ATM/cash cards have a magnetic strip on one side. It is magnetic because it contains magnetic metal powder in the plastic * Some screwdrivers are magnetized, to hold the screw prior to screwing the screw into wood or other material. * Cathode ray televisions and Computer Monitors use an electromagnet to direct electrons/pictures to the screen. * VHS tapes and common audio cassettes use magnetic tape, a thin plastic strip coated with a thin layer of magnetic powder in film form. * In computers, floppy disks and hard disks record data on a thin magnetic coating. * Speakers and Microphones have permanent magnets as part of their construction. * Electric motors and generators have combinations of electromagnets and permanent magnets * Refrigerator magnets use magnetic metal to make them stick to the refrigerator. * A manual compass uses a magnetized needle to indicate magnetic North.

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Q: Do you use magnetic metals in everyday life?
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magnets are used in everyday life lots like, sticking on your fridge, playing with, tapes, credit cards, door patches, to clip/hold things together, magnetic earings, to help find your keys, the tubes, you can even find a magnetic force in some animals as they are able to detect the earths magnetic field. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ dude definitely the wrong answer for this question.

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Use a magnet. Although there are other magnetic metals, for example cobalt, most of the items you will find with a magnet will be iron-rich.

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