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Q: How do you pronounce Gustoweh?
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How did the onondaga wear their feathers?

Your question supposes that all Onondaga men wore a gustoweh all the time as a tribal identification, which is not true. Furthermore, the idea that all Onondaga gustoweh simply had two upright eagle feathers is also untrue, despite the simplistic illustrations published on many modern websites. Different makers of gustoweh would arrange the feathers in different ways; some Ondondaga examples have just two upright eagle feathers; others have one vertical and one at an angle; others have two eagle feathers and another feather attached as a kind of pendant hanging at the rear; others have many other types of feather as well as the eagle feathers. Different makers would also cut the feathers to different heights, some being cut quite short, others left untrimmed at full height. See link below for an image of a real Onondaga gustoweh:

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