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He was able to project the picture onto the wall. They used the bullhorn to project the sound through the crowd.

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Q: How do you use project in a sentense as a verb?
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Is sentense can make without verb?

Yes, sentences can be formed without a verb. These are known as nominal sentences or phrases, where the subject serves as the main focus without an accompanying action. For example, "The big red car."

What is your example of project use as noujn and verb?

noun - You must hand your project in before the end of the week verb - We will project the power point onto the wall.

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a perch is a kind of fish.

What are 2 general part of a sentense?

The two general parts in a sentence is probably the subject and the predicate (a.k.a the verb)

How do you use project in sentence as a verb?

He needed to project his voice more if everyone at the back of the room were going to hear him properly.

What is the subject and the verb in this sentence the chicken ran from the dog?

The subject is the chicken, and the verb is ran. The chicken is obviously the subject because it is what the sentense is about, it is following through with the action of the verb, which is running away from the dog. The verb is always the action word.

How do you use the word dimensionalin a sentense?

You could say, it is three dimensional

How do you use prominent in a sentense?

Winston Churchill was a prominent English politician.