LAX is a common opposite. You could also use NEGLECTFUL - I was going to suggest NEGLIGENT but that suggests a wilful omission or dereliction of duty.
A flying pigeon, and it suggests freedom
"The rebels plotted what course of action they should take."
Thoreau's definition of true wealth is found in the beauty of nature, the quest for knowledge, self-exploration and knowledge, plain food, and walking. He suggests wealth should not be measured by money and material things. Thoreau's definition of true wealth suggests a better quality of life, less-stress, and a healthier lifestyle.
denotative language
Who suggest Ralph & Piggy should go to the party in Chap.9
some research suggest
Piggy suggests that Ralph should blow the conch shell to gather the boys and reestablish order and civilization on the island. He believes that the conch represents authority and should be used to maintain a sense of structure and unity among the group.
In Act 1, Benvolio suggests that Romeo should check out other girls as a remedy for moping over Rosaline.
May has two meanings, it suggest that you have permission to fall or it suggests that the possibility exists that you will fall. In the latter sense you can use "may"
Jack suggests that they can use a spear, track animals, and set up a trap to catch something when they go hunting.
Jack suggests they use a wild bird in their reenactment of the hunt. This happens in the classic novel "Lord of the Flies".
LAX is a common opposite. You could also use NEGLECTFUL - I was going to suggest NEGLIGENT but that suggests a wilful omission or dereliction of duty.
He suggests that him and ralph join jacks group.
It suggests that it does not like to be laughed at by prey
The speaker in The Wanderer suggests grief should be dealt with internally. This is because he believes communication should serve a purpose, and not include talking about feelings.
Jack suggests that they could use a littlun as the pig in the game instead. He believes this could serve as a viable alternative to using a real pig for their hunting and violence.