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Q: Suffix using ism for addiction to alcoholic drink?
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Does using an alcoholic drink in a bong instead of water boost the high?

No, it just wastes alcohol.

What is a sentence using the word alcoholic?

I am an Alcoholic.

Where can a person find drink recipes for Grand Marnier?

As with other types of alcoholic beverages, there are plenty of sites that have drink and/or cocktail recipes using Grand Marnier. All Recipes and Barn One Drinks are a couple of resources for this.

What mathematical constant can be specified to seven places using the mnemonic how you need a drink alcoholic of course?

We're alcoholics, not mathematicians. We suggest asking the question in the math category.

What words can you make using w z k?

you can make "wkd" which is an alcoholic drink, but other than that i don't think you can make any word, you'd need a vowel.

What is the suffix for mashed?

The suffix for mashed could be ED or mash it depends on how you are using it !

Can you drink non alcoholic beer while taking?

No. root beer will just give u a sugar rush lol. :D Root Beer is a soft drink. Non-Alcoholic beer has most of the alcohol removed but not all. There is still enough alcohol left in so that if you drink enough of them, you will get drunk.

What words can you make using w k z d?

you can make "wkd" which is an alcoholic drink, but other than that i don't think you can make any word, you'd need a vowel.

What is a sentence using the word suffix?

The addition of a simple suffix will change your verb into a noun.

Does using cocaine cause dependents or addiction?


Can one night of using meth cause addiction?

Yes. It can most definitely lead to and cause addiction to methamphetamine.

Is Lucozade Sport a fizzy drink?

Using the suffix -ade (implying carbonation/fizzyness), you'd think so, wouldn't you? But it's not. The makers of Gatorade didn't think about the meaning of the name they chose, they just chose it. So no, Gatorade is not fizzy.