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logic and evidence to establish her credibility

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Q: What does Susan B. Anthony use in Speech After Being Convicted of Voting to appeal to an audience that is likely hostile to the idea of women's suffrage?
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What are the four categories of audience?

All Audience Types..4 type of audience 1-The Hostile Audience This audience group openly disagrees with you and may even actively work against you Analysis of hostile audience Because of your differences, a hostile audience will question your credibility. Increase your credibility with expert studies or any source that will support your claim.A hostile audience will try to find reasons to not like you; Don't tell them you are going to try to persuade them.Use logical reasoning as clearly and as carefully as possible.Use the Law of Connectivity and the Law of Balance as leverage. (See Maximum Influence. 2- The Neutral or Indifferent Audience This audience understands your position but doesn't care about the outcome. The key to dealing with this audience group is to create motivation and energy. These are the one who want their own benefit only, nothing to do with others Analysis Point out the downside of not accepting your proposals. Use a combination of inspiration and desperation. Make them care by showing them how the topic affects them.Get them to feel connected to your issues. Use the Law of Involvement and the Law of Social Validation as leverage. (See Maximum Influence.) 3-The Uninformed Audience These audience members lack the information they need to be convinced. To persuade the uninformed audience, you should Encourage them to ask questions throughout the presentation.Keep the facts simple and straightforward.Find out why they are uninformed. Analysis Make your message interesting in order to keep their attention. Use the Law of Dissonance and the Law of Scarcity as leverage. The Supportive Audience A supportive audience already agrees with you. As a result, you may think that persuading these people will be easy, Analysis These type of audience are already satisfied with you and you just had to take care that they remain as such and doubt comes in their way.But remember that your goal is to get them to take action, not necessarily to just agree with you. These techniques should be used with a supportive audience: Increase their energy and enthusiasm with inspiration

Hostile can be defined as friendly.?

No, hostile means unfriendly.

What is the abstract word for hostile?

The abstract noun for the adjective hostile is hostility.

What are synonyms of the word hostile?

Synonyms for hostile include antagonistic, unfriendly.

Is hostilly a word?

Yes it is. There is also a word hostile (adj).He glared at her with hostility.He wrote a hostile attack on the government.

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Why does Susan B. Anthony use a clear, direct tone and an emphasis on logos in "Speech After Being Convicted of Voting"?

To appeal to an audience that is probably hostile to her argument

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By using an intelligent and straightforward tone that shows she knows what she’s talking about Explanation: This is the correct answer

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To have the audience refocus on the central point of her argument .

What was importance of the year 1913 to the women suffrage movement?

Five-thousand woman suffragists marched through hostile crowds on March 4, 1913, in Washington D.C.; building the momentum for suffrage.

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The cast of Hostile - 2013 includes: Aveena Anthony as Varsha Raj Naomi Karpati as Tamara Grey

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Why is the extemporaneous approach to speaking appealing?

it is the least hostile and most intimate form of communication with an audience

Who gave a speech in wellesley college in 1990 and converted a potentially hostile audience?

Barbara Bush

Who gave a speech to Wellesley College in 1990 and successfully converted a potentially hostile audience?

Barbara Bush

What type of audience requires you to gain their attention first?

It is particularly necessary to gain the attention of an audience which is in some way bored, hostile, or impatient. A receptive audience will give you their attention automatically, but you can still lose them if you are boring or offensive.

What was the importance of the years 1913 to the woman suffrage movement?

Women's Suffrage is a part of history that happened world-wide.It expresses how females were not free and did not have a time of equality as much as men did for themselves back then.

What types of positions might an audience initially hold?

An audience may initially hold positions of skepticism, curiosity, interest, or indifference towards a topic or speaker. Their initial position can be influenced by their existing knowledge, beliefs, and personal experiences.