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Minutia means small details.

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Q: What does minutia mean?
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What is the meaning of the word menucha?

If you mean the English word, 'minutia' then it means small, trifle.

What is a scentence for minutia?

This means a small or trivial detail. Here are some sentences.He got bogged down in the minutia and missed the point of the report.Minutia can be important to a detective.The boss rambled on and on about the minutia of the experiment.

What are some sentences containing the word minutia?

I only have one but... a seemingly insignificant minutia-like a fragment of a bone-can yield important information at an archeological site.

What is the plural form of minutia?

The plural is minutiae (my-nyoo-shee-ee).

How do you use minutia in a sentence?

The captain cannot be concerned with the minutiae of shipboard life. as a phrase: the minutiae of everyday life The more we remove the minutiae from our lives, the more we can begin to enjoy them.

How do you spell menucia?

The word "minutia" means a small detail, but the plural "minutiae" is normally used.

How can you use sift in a sentence?

Sift through all the minutia to find a tidbit worthy of a newspaper article.

Did Adam or eve have navels?

As with much of the irelevant minutia of prehistory, there is no information on record that can confirm this one way or the other.

How do you spell the word minutia?

MINUTIAE (small or trifling details) is pronounced "mih-NOO-shee-uh", but is often run together as "mih-NOO-shuh".

How do you pronounce minuit?

The likely word is minutia (small detail), pronounced (mih-NEW-shuh) or (shee-uh).Usually used in the plural, minutiae, pronounced (mih-NEW-shee-ee).

What will happen if you were on the Moon and a black hole appeared?

It depends on where the black hole appeared, but irrespective of that bit of minutia, the same things would happen on the Earth as on the Moon if a black hole appeared somewhere, that being nothing with regards to a specific person.

Are traffic accidents now called traffic collisions?

Yes. The theory is simply that accidents are foreseeable and thus preventable. Therefore they are not accidents at all. The term collision more aptly describes the outcome. For an old law enforcement war horse, it seems to be a lot of minutia.