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To excel is to do very well in something, well above average. It comes from excellent. Experts in things excel in their areas of work. The top athletes excel in their sport. Excel is also the name of the most popular spreadsheet program. It is made by Microsoft.

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Q: What does the word Excel mean?
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what does the word Excel meanย ?

to be superior in somerespect or area; to doextremely well

What is the base word of excellent?

you mean excell its ok mistakes are mistakes

How do you import data from word to Excel?

You do not really import data from Word, but you can cut and paste from Word to Excel. If you like, you can embed the word document in an Excel worksheet.

When integrating Word and Excel Word is usually?

Word normally hosts data from Excel. It can display charts that are linked from Excel and will show data from Excel in tables in Word. A Paste Link can be set up, so that if the data changed in the Excel document, it will also change in the Word document.

What is Micorsoft Word Excel?

Microsoft Word is a word processor. Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet application.

What exactly does Excel training mean?

Excel training refers to the instruction of use of the Microsoft Excel word and data processing program. Including all of its basic and andvanced functions, processes, applications, and requirements.

How will the Excel contents appear in Word?

If you copy data from Excel and paste it into Word, then it will appear as a table in Word.

How do you use Excel for typing Microsoft Word?

Excel and Microsoft word are two different programs. To ask how to you use excel for typing ms word does not make sense

Does Open office include Word and Excel?

It does not include Word and Excel, but it has its own word processor and its own spreadsheet.

How do I retain Excel cell formatting during mail merge into a table in Word?

Merge brings one to several individual cells from Excel into Word. The formatting in the merged Word document depends on Word, not Excel. If you would like to retain the same formatting as you had in Excel, then format the target location in Word to match the cell from Excel.

Can tables in Excel be used as tables in Word?

You can copy a table in Excel and paste it into Word. You will lose any formulas, but the resulting values will be retained. You can also link a Word document to a table in Excel, which will allow changes in the Excel table to be maintained in the Word document.

Is the word excel a noun?

No, the word 'excel' is a verb (excel, excels, excelling, excelled), meaning to surpass others or be superior in some respect.The noun form of the verb excel is excellence.