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Words / descriptions for people, locations, or things that have a connotation that evoke warmth or comfort may include these:

  • one's parents
  • a favorite Aunt / Uncle
  • one's childhood home
  • one's current home<-
  • one's bed
  • a blanket or throw cover
  • a favorite childhood toy
  • mom's home cooking
  • fresh baked Chocolate Chip Cookies
  • hot cocoa
  • ice cream
  • a fire burning in a fireplace
  • happy memories
  • the first time you experienced feeling proud of yourself
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Q: What has a connotation that evokes warmth or comfort?
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Brown is often associated with earthiness, warmth, and reliability. It can evoke feelings of stability, comfort, and security. However, it can also be seen as dull or unexciting depending on the context.

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&quot;Inviting&quot; is a word that has a welcoming connotation, suggesting warmth and openness to others.

Sample sentences with connotations and denotations?

&quot;The house looks cozy and warm.&quot; (Denotation: The house appears comfortable and inviting. Connotation: The house evokes feelings of hominess and comfort.) &quot;She's quite thrifty with her money.&quot; (Denotation: She is careful with how she spends her money. Connotation: She is seen as resourceful and wise in managing her finances.) &quot;His remarks were sharp and cutting.&quot; (Denotation: His comments were critical and direct. Connotation: His words were harsh and hurtful.)

Does serene have a connotation that evokes calm?

Yes, the word serene evokes calm because of its meaning. Serene means peaceful, quiet, tranquil, cool, easy and content. Serene is an adjective.

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The connotation for &quot;mature&quot; typically evokes positive qualities such as wisdom, experience, responsibility, and stability. It suggests a person who has developed emotionally, intellectually, and socially over time.

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The denotation of a word refers to its literal meaning, while the connotation refers to the associated feelings or ideas that the word evokes.

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The phrase &quot;spring has sprung&quot; has a positive connotation, suggesting that springtime has arrived and nature is coming to life after the cold winter months. It often evokes feelings of renewal, growth, and joy.