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Dear ,

Thanks for your unusual question

According to Google, the abaguchie is a mammal, which may have been imported from Costa Rica in the mid 1990s to kill rattlesnakes and coyotes in two counties in West Virginia. It is described as a 'psychotic wombat' in The Cryptozoological Guide to American Mammalia'. Another website says that it is a cat-like mammal from the Children's Books 'Boys Against Girls' and 'A Spy Among the Girls' by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor.

As practically all the sites I visited referred to the fiction books and there seemed to be no really independent cryptozoological sites, I can only guess that the abaguchie has been made up by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor and probably does not exist in real life. I must admit, I had never heard of it until your question. One animal I did consider was the acouchi (Myoprocta). There are two species of these rodents, which look a bit like long-legged guinea-pigs and live in northern South America. They are related to agoutis, but, unlike agoutis, have visible tails.

I hope that I have helped you with your question.

All the best


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