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Bilingual is someone who can speak more than one language.

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Q: What is the word for speaking two languages fluently?
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Word refers to able to speak two languages very well?

Trilingual means "able to speak 3 languages fluently"

What do you call someone who can speak five languages?

The word to describe someone who can speak more that one language fluently is Bilingual.That isn't correct, Bilingual means that you speak TWO languages fluently. If you speak five you are PENTAlingual

Which BI word speaking in two languages?

This is probably the word bilingual.

Which word means speaking in two languages?

The word for a person who speaks two languages is bilingual.The word 'bilingual' is both a noun and an adjective.

What is blilngual?

A person is Bilingual if they can speak two languages fluently.

Does bilingual mean two official languages?

Yes, bilingual means having two languages (such as a country), or in two languages (such as a newspaper, or a translation dictionary).But bilingual can also refer to a person. A person who can speak any two languages fluently is said to be bilingual, and if they can speak more than two languages fluently, they are multilingual.

What were the two cradle-languages spoken fluently by the mother of Christopher Columbus's second son?

The two cradle-languages that were spoken fluently by the mother of Christopher Columbus's second son were Italian and Portuguese.

What two languages can Bradley Wiggins speak fluently?

English and French

What does the word bilingual mean?

written or spoken in 2 languages

How do you spell biluagel?

The word here is likely BILINGUAL, speaking two languages.

What bi word mean speaking in two languages?

Bilingual means to speak two languages..... Bi means two and Lingual mans language.

How many languages can the average person speak?

On average, most people can speak one to two languages fluently. Some individuals may be multilingual and speak three or more languages, while others may only speak their native language. The number of languages a person can speak often depends on factors such as upbringing, education, and exposure to different languages.