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I like to sail when it's breezy.

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Q: Which sentence is free of empty words?
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What is empty sentence?

An empty sentence is a sentence that say too little. The sentence maybe complete with all the right words in all the right places, but need ideas.

How can you use fully empty in sentence?

I would not use "fully empty" in a sentence because it is redundant and unnecessary. If something is "empty", it's empty. You do not need to say "fully empty" because empty cannot be anything but nothing. There is no further defining words needed.The glass was empty.I carried an empty pitcher.My gas gauge read E for empty.

Choose the adjective in this sentence The refrigerator was empty?

The adjective in that sentence is empty.

What is a sentence with oxymoron?

A sentence with words or phrases such as: Living dead Jumbo shrimp Decreasing climb

Is store shelves one word or two words?

Store shelves is two words. An example sentence can be "the store shelves were nearly empty".

What does an empty expression mean?

An empty expressio (ee) is a sentence that does not express anything, a sentence with no importance.

What is a sentence for empty?

Use “empty” in a sentence | “empty” sentence examples 1. The empty vessels make the greatest sound. 2. As empty vessels make the loudest sound, so they that have least wit are the greatest babblers. 3. Better an empty purse than an empty head. 4. It’s the empty can that makes the most noise. 5. He ...

How do you use the word empty in a sentence?

My pepsi can is already empty.

Can you give me a sentence with the word hollow in it?

I walked through the tree because it was hollow. She told me words of comfort but they sounded hollow and empty.

What is an empty sentence?

An empty sentence is any sentence which, in relation to its context, can be omitted without causing any damage. In fact, omitting an empty sentence should be encouraged whenever the omission can make the sending of meaning more effective.

How could you use empty handed in a sentence?

Don't go upstairs empty-handed!

What does an expression mean?

An empty expressio (ee) is a sentence that does not express anything, a sentence with no importance.