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high fitness rating

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Q: If you achieve a fitness rating you probably are at the level of fitness needed to live a full healthy life?
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Related questions

Why is physical fitness needed?

to keep our hearts healthy to maintain flexibility and strength

What is the minimum amount of overload needed to achieve physical fitness called?


The minimum amount of overload needed to achieve physical fitness is called?

Threshold of training

What is needed to achieve boiling?

probably some kind of heat source, like a hotplate and patience

What is physcial fitness?

Fitness in the phrase "physical fitness" is being able to move, and deal with weights and stresses such as running, without damage and with reasonable stamina. It means having muscles in good condition and able to exert force when needed. It means being healthy, supple, and aware.

How is your health determined?

By your physical fitness and your eating habits. You have to be the average weight for your age/height. Also you should take in the right amount of nutrients and proteins needed to keep the body healthy.

How many vitamins are needed for healthy body?

There are at least 37 when older than 70 but if you are younger then probably 2 or 3

What level of cardiovascular fitness is needed for basketball?

level 7+

What is Iron needed for?

iron is needed for healthy blood

What are two components of skill related fitness?

health relatedv fitness components are those that are needed in every day life]

How does Nutrition Fitness differ from Physical Fitness?

Nutrition Fitness differs from Physical Fitness because it is not based on physique or how strong muscle are built.It is based on taking care of one's body so it has the right nutrients needed to survive.Nutritional fitness is based on following a balanced diet needed to survive.

Why is Coordination needed in football?

Coordination is one of the components of fitness that is needed in football. Coordinationis the ability to use the sense and body parts in order to perform an act accurately. This is probably the most important component of fitness. If you are not good at it, this mean that you wouldn't be able to do the simple skills such as passing the ball, dribbling or shooting.