When you are anemic, you have a low number of red blood cells in your blood. This means that your body can't transport as much oxygen as it normally could. When exercising, the lungs will try to compensate the lack of oxygen by expanding and collapsing more often. The heart will beat faster to keep the oxygen-rich blood flowing.
heart is hypertensive, and lungs are working increasingly hard to supplement more oxygen to the rest of your organs.
Blood vessels, the heart, and the lungs are significantly strengthened by cardiovascular exercise.
let it be
to get the heart and lungs pumpingg and get the blood round the body
yes beause help exercise your heart and lungs :]
Heart and lung endurance is how effectively your heart and lungs work when you exercise and how quickly they return to normal when you stop.
blood and oxygen
These activities exercise the heart and lungs and burn excess calories.
strength training
Yes, aerobic exercise strengthens the heart, body, and lungs.