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Q: What multifaceted form of exercise combine stretching with movement against resistance and involves the use of equipment with pulleys and springs or devices such as resistance bands?
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Related questions

What type of exercise is not related to resistance training?

Stretching is not closely related to resistance training.

What type of exercise is specifically enhanced when couple with flexibility training or stretching?

Resistance training

What kinds of exercise are there?

Exercise comes in many forms, but there are three basic types: resistance, aerobics, and stretching.

what excercises are involved in the curves diet?

The Curves exercise program is a circuit of warm-up, stretching, strength-training on hydraulic resistance equipment interspersed with sustained cardio activity and cool-down.

Is there such a thing as travel exercise equipment?

There are a lot of travel exercise equipment options. One option is VersaStick which uses resistance training. For more information go to

What are the best exercise mats?

The best exercise mat is going to depend on what exercises you are doing. Different mats are made for different exercises, such as Yoga, Pilates, stretching, exercise equipment, and more.

What can I use?

Bands are the cheapest resistance training equipment you can buy. You can usually find them at any store that sells exercise equipment.

How can you increase your reflexes?

exercise and stretching

What is the similarities between aerobic exercise and resistance exercise?

Aerobic exercise is cardio exercise (where you get your heart rate up). Resistance exercise is weight training using resistance.

What are uses of air resistance in daily life?

Air resistance is used in various daily life applications such as: Designing vehicles: Engineers use air resistance to optimize the design of cars, airplanes, and bicycles for better fuel efficiency and aerodynamics. Safety equipment: Parachutes and airbags rely on air resistance to slow down or cushion impact during falls and collisions. Sports equipment: The design of balls, clothing, and equipment in sports like golf, tennis, and cycling take into account air resistance to improve performance. Exercise equipment: Air resistance machines like rowing machines and exercise bikes provide resistance through the pressure of air, resulting in a challenging workout.

Apply the FITT principle to stretching When is the best time to stretch during an exercise routine and what type of stretching is best?

Dynamic stretching prior to exercise helps prepare the body for exercise and prevent injuries. After exercise sessions static stretching should be performed, holding each stretch for a minimum of 30 seconds or more to re-estabilsh the length of of the muscle

Home Exercise Equipment?

form_title= Home Exercise Equipment form_header= Exercise at home with new equipment. What is the square footage of the exercise room?*= _ [50] What type of equipment do you want to purchase?*= _ [50] Do you want the equipment delivered?*= () Yes () No