the three strutures for a warm up are : prepare physically , prepare mentally and prevent injury
A warm up is needed to avoid injury because your muscles aren't stretched out yet and if you just start the sport your playing right away you can pull a muscle. When you stretch you are slowly warming up your muscles to prevent injury
warm-up exercises
Stretching helps to warm up your muscles. when your muscles are warm, it is less likely that you will pull a muscle or sustain a injury. .
One of the points of performing warm-up exercises is to prevent injury and muscle strain. The best way to ensure that these events do not occur is to warm up the muscles that are going to be used in the exercise regimen. - From Kitty
They dont nessecerily warm up to anything whatever is the next song on a c-d that is playing
Warm up well before exercise dude ;D yeah what she said lol
Before a race you need to warm up really good to get your muscles warm cause if you dont warm up its a possibility that you might cramp up during your event. warm-up means you need to jog alittle bit and you need to stretch really good and do some drills to warm-up your legs.
so you dont get cramp
To improve flexibility in the joints before playing. The warm up enables the body to prepare for exercise. It reduces the likelihood of injury and muscle soreness. There is also a release of adrenaline that will start the process of speeding up the delivery of oxygen to the working muscles.
to increase their range of motion.
A warm up is important as it allows the resting muscles, joints and heart under normal activity to become active and supple enough to accomdate the exercise that the body is about to undertake.