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Yes, both single and married gay people can adopt in every province and territory in Canada.

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Q: Are gay people able to adopt in Canada?
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How long have gay people been able to adopt?

Prior to the 1960's gay people could only adopt if they were closeted. Starting in the late 60's gay people began to demand the right to adopt. Openly gay people have only been able to adopt since the 1980's.

Why can't most gay people adopt?

In the U.S. and Canada, most single gay people can adopt. Many areas allow for joint adoption by gay couples as well. Gay people are only banned from adopting in some countries, and this is due to ignorance and prejudice.

What rights do gay people have regarding adoption?

It depends on the state/country. As of 2014, in the US. single gay people may adopt in all states except Utah. Couples may adopt in about 25 states. In Canada, gay people have exactly the same rights as straight people for everything.

Are gay people allowed to adopt children?

As of 2017, gay people can technically adopt in all 50 U.S. states, but they are still routinely denied in some states. Single people (gay or straight) are allowed to adopt in all states except Utah.

What do orphanages think about gay people wanting to adopt?

There are no orphanages in the U.S. or Canada. Orphanages in other countries have different views, depending on the orphanage.

Does the gays adopt more or the single parents adopt more?

Single people adopt more than gay couples, but only because there are many more single people in the world than there are gay couples.

Should gay people and single people be allowed to adopt?

Yes. Anyone who can provide a good home to a child should be allowed to adopt. Gay people and single people have proven to be exemplary parents.

Is it okay for gay people to adopt?

Yes of course it is. As long as they provide a loving home and raise the child with their values. Gay people are just as qualified to adopt and raise a child just as straight people do, and all recent studies show that children do very well in gay households. The legality of same-sex adoption does depend in which country you are in.

What are some rights of gay people in Canada?

Since 2005 Canada has offered civil marriages to those that are gay. Both lesbians and gays can openly serve in the Canadian Military and have been able to since 1992.

Do gay people have every right to adopt children?

Yes, there is no logical reason to deny gay people the right to adopt, particularly in light of the fact that every major study has shown that children thrive and grow up happy in households with gay parents. Also, as of 2014, Every U.S. state except Utah allows single gay people to adopt, and about 25 states allow joint adoptions for gay couples.

How do gay people get a gay voice?

There is no such thing as a "gay voice". Some gay people adopt a manner of speech that is "campy" and stereotypically gay, but the majority do not. Conversely, a considerable number of people who have similar speech habits aren't gay, at all.

How many more children would have homes if gay families were allowed to adopt?

Gay people are allowed to adopt in every U.S. state except Utah. There is no longer a restriction on single gay people adoption. Furthermore, as of 2014, 25 states allow joint adoption by gay couples.