An illegal alien slated for deportation can sue for full custody if he or she wants. However, it is extremely unlikely to be granted. The courts will normally side with the parent who is remaining in the US.
if they got married to someone who wasn't illegal then she wouldn't be illegal. so she would get the children
well they would have to be adopted or the friend would have to be a foster home
As regards a father, even ones who were born here win in less than 15% of the cases.
He can not petition for custody or anything if he is here illegally. The situation would mean he could get kicked out at any time. That would not be a safe situation for a child to be in.
I'm assuming you mean illegal alien, so unless the illegal parent has gotten rich in America to pay for a WAAAAAAAAY better lawyer than the US citizen, most likely the citizen.
That depends on the Judge, the law of the state where they are, and the specific of the custody request.
You divorce and get custody over your kids or just get full custody!
no, the mother is still an illegal alien.
Immigration status is a completely separate issue from child custody rights.
No, he could be arrested as soon as he put his foot in court and sent back. He can never get custody as long as he is an illegal alien.