¿Adónde va? (formal)
¿Adónde vas? (informal)
Note: 'va' is for 'usted', or formal you in Latin America. 'Vas' is from 'tú', or informal you. 'Vais' is a vosotros/as conjugation, which is formal you in Spain. They're all conjugations of the infinitive 'ir'.
You say, "We go to swim." "Vamos a nadar."
ir (to go) con (with)
Vamos Partamos / vámonos / vayámonos
"I go" translates into "yo voy" in spanish.
You can say "¿Puedes salir conmigo?"
~ Nina is how to say girl in spanish...... duhhh didnt you go to school! LOL
"you can go to" si puedes ir
The infinitive form for 'to go out' is salir.
ve a ella
no vamos
go on webster!