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domestic abuse or violence

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Q: What is a common form of abuse where the abuser tries to keep the abused from family and friends?
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Do kids abused by parent love or hate parent?

kids will love their abuser because they want to have that relationship with their family - Kay Kay

The power relationship between the abuser and the victim?

The victim has no power or they would not be abused. The abuser always has the control. Children and the elderly are victimized often in society as well as men and women. The abuser will start out by abusing psychologically and 'put down' their victim until they leave their victim confused with no self confidence. The abuser may threaten to leave their victim (this is terrifying to the elderly); leave the wife and take the children; talk of killing the victim or anyone that is close to them. The abuser often isolates their victim so their victim has no family or friends to turn too and they have to suffer in silence and depend on their abuser.

Can one who is a drug abuser harm others?

Yes. It harms the family and friends of the drug abuser. Also, if anyone looks up to that person, they could do the same thing.

If a spouse is called a domestic abuser is it possible to be such an abuser for three decades without a solitary witness to such abuse and no police report or visit to a doctor?

A verbal abuser is someone that is constantly at their spouse by calling them names; sometimes using dirty language; the abuser is never satisfied with anything their spouse does and makes the spouse feel they are walking on egg shells around the verbal abuser. A physical abuser is anyone that pushes; shoves; kicks; scratches; punches (giving a black eye; split lip or missing teeth to broken bones.) Yes, it is possible for the abused person to not tell anyone in the family or even their closest friends about the abuse because they are caught in a very dangerous situation and often times fear for their lives' are embarrassed or, at the very least they have been so traumatized they no longer have the energy or self confidence to run from their abuser. Up until the late 1960s there were few places an abused person could run too so they had to stay with their abuser as their abuser had not only brain washed them, but also was sure the abused spouse had no money. Abusers are crafty at what they do and can appear charming and even win over the abused person's family and their friends. Some women of abuse that end up in hospital or see their doctor will make excuses for their injury or injuries such as 'Oh, I fell down the basement stairs.' In some cases if the hospital suspects abuse they may well look into the matter without the abused person's agreement, but if the victim does not press charges against her abuser there is nothing much they can do. Now there are Women's Abuse Centers where they offer safe shelter; programs to learn all about abuse; legal counsel and help the woman find employment.

What happens to people whose emotional abuse at home was never acknowledged by counselors family etc?

Victims are abused twice: Once when they suffer the actual abuse And once when they are not validated, when the experience of having been abused is denied by the abuser and by society at large.

What role does fear play in abusive relationships?

The abuser of the victim will first alienate the victim from their family and friends and can even move to another town in some cases. An abuser is sly as a fox and at first often can win over not only the victim with kindness and generosity, but also win over family and friends. However, there are many cases where family and friends can often see right through the abuser even before he segregates his victim. Once the two are alone the changes can come quickly such as verbal abuse (the abuser is inwardly unhappy about their own failures in life and will transfer this onto the victim) and then the physical abuse often comes next. Sometimes the abuser will never apologize to his victim, but many do and continue to promise that they will never do it again, but they do. The abuser is aware they have total control over their victim and if the victim shows any sign of independence or that they are going to leave the relationship this is when the real fear starts because the abuser will instill the fear of either killing their victim; their family or, if there are children the abuser may threaten to harm the children or have the victim believe she will never get her children as she is an unfit mother. The victim is basically brainwashed; lost all confidence in themselves; has been alienated from her family and friends and has nowhere to turn. The fear is real and the threats from the abuser are often real as well.

How do you handle your own family when they are trying to encourage the abuser to abuse you and where can you turn for help wih this situation?

I wish you had given a little more information, but being abused is being abused. There are Women's Centers in your area and you can go there for help. They have councilors there that will help you, and also ways to leave the abuser environment you are in. If you are too upset to find one, then go to your local Mental Health office and they will guide you to them. Good luck Marcy

How did Oprah get sexually abused?

Oprah was sexually abused as a child. She was raped by multiple male family members, and molested by family and family friends. She never told anyone because they either bribed her or told her she would be punished by those she trusted.

What kinds of things can family do to help a substance abuser become clean?

The best thing that family can do for a substance abuser is stage an intervention. Once that intervention has been staged, present the abuser with the opportunity to go to rehab.

Do abusive men try to scare off your friends?

Generally, the abusive male will isolate his female. This can be done by intimidating the womens' friends. This can be done by comments, the cold shoulder when her friends arrive or by turning the woman against her friends with little remarks about them behind their backs. He must get the woman to believe that her friends are not to be trusted and he is the only one she can trust. If a friend says that she does not care for the womans boyfriend the woman is put in the middle to choose friend or lover. The abuser wants to isolate his victim. He will be nice at first (almost overly nice) and may even give many gifts, but beware of the messager that bares gifts! Once the abuser has his victim in his web he will either snub her family or be chameleon like and appear friendly so at times the family would have a hard time believing the victim when she says anything about being abused. Eventually the abuser will then start to isolate his victim from her family and sometimes it's not a remark at all, but an order! Then come the friends. The abuser will ORDER not ask that his victim cease seeing her friends. Some abusers are so bad that they will time their victim from leaving the house to go shopping for groceries to the time she gets home and if she's not on time all hell breaks loose.

If you know the phone number of an abuse counselor or abuse expert how can you convince a non-abusive family member to see him without them thinking you just want him to make the abuser look bad?

You should go see the abuse counselor first and get some idea of what he or she is able to do for you. Once you get some positive, constructive tools in dealing with abuse and can show (maybe) that you are trying to help the abuser as well as the abused, the family member may realize that you are not just trying to make the abuser look bad. ~ T

What factors might play a role in the partner's decision to stay when abused?

They could have been depending on the abuser for financial support. They might have children together or own property together. Their family might have left them to fend for themselves. p