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physical abuse is hiting

Yes, but it is so much more!

The intent of physical and psychological abuse is to get the victim to DO something they aren't doing or to get the victim to STOP DOING something they are doing. So with that in mind.....

Physical abuse is any unwanted touching either directly or indirectly. This can include hitting, punching, spitting, choking, slapping etc. It also includes physically restraining, and blocking their movement (such as a door so they can't leave). Throwing something such as a glass of water at or on the victim.

Psychological abuse is anything which attacks the individual as a person with the intent of scaring, threatening, belittling, confusing, overpowering, humiliating and embarrassing the victim.

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8y ago

Physical abuse is one or more episodes of aggressive behavior, usually resulting in physical injury with possible damage to internal organs, sense organs, the central nervous system, or the musculoskeletal system of another person (Mosby's Medical Dictionary, 8th edition. © 2009, Elsevier).

Verbal abuse is the use of language to manipulate, control, ridicule, insult, humiliate, belittle, vilify, and show disrespect and disdain to another, and is often a component of other types of abuse (

Sexual abuse is defined as;

1. The forcing of unwanted sexual activity by one person on another, as by the use of threats or coercion.

2. Sexual activity that is deemed improper or harmful, as between an adult and a minor or with a person of diminished mental capacity.

(The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition copyright ©2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company).

Mental abuse, also called psychological abuse is defined by Health Canada as motivated by urges for "power and control", and defines emotional abuse as including rejecting, degrading, terrorizing, isolating, corrupting/exploiting and "denying emotional responsiveness" as characteristic of emotional abuse (

PHYSICAL ABUSE is when one partner punches, hits, pushes the person hard, throws them down stairs, causes broken bones, bruising, black eyes, missing teeth or waves a knife, gun or any object that they may use to harm their mate.

IT IS NOT physical abuse if one gets into an argument and they tussle a little on the bed and break out laughing, or, if one may SLIGHTLY push the other person. This is a human reaction, but if it's hard enough to push the person off balance or do them hard that IS physical abuse.

MENTAL ABUSE is when one partner demeans, degrades and calls the other person names taking their confidence away from them. It's a controlling mechanism. Shouting profanities, yelling at them that they can't do anything right and the person feels like they are walking on egg shells all the time IS mental abuse!

IT IS NOT mental abuse if a couple get into a heated argument and may pass off a couple of unsavory names to each other. It is not abuse if one slams out of the house. It is not abuse if they decide not to sleep with each other because they are too angry. It's when it's on-going and never stops and is degrading to their mate that it's mental abuse.

Many couples lose it and if they say they don't they are lying! As long as one does not cause bodily injury or cools off after arguing and apologizes and sits down and tries to work out the problems then this is considered a healthy relationship. Humans are simply not perfect so we have to be careful to decide what is truly physical and mental abuse. No one should EVER hit another, but name-calling often comes along with many relationships as long as it's not an every day occurance.

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14y ago

The kid feels insecure, threaten, kids might pee in the bed, loneliness, might were big clothes in a summers day to hide stuff! Often smells that come off an abuse kid might give clues! Now the after math could be anorexia, serial killer, really insecure kid! Drug addiction and a lot of other obvious consequences

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Beating children is abuse. The types of abuse are physical, emotional, mental, and sexual. Threats probably fall under the emotional or mental catogories.

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Child abuse should never be legal because it causes serious physical and emotional harm to children. It is a violation of their rights and can have long-lasting negative impacts on their development and well-being. Legalizing child abuse would go against the principles of protecting and safeguarding children's safety and welfare.

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A child abuse survivor is someone who has survived through child abuse through out their lives. Whether it was sexual, mental, or physical abuse they survived. By surviving it could either mean by not getting killed by the abuser or not committing suicide.

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I believe mental abuse is worse. Physical abuse the marks eventually go away. Mental abuse , those scars may never go away depending on how much abuse there was.

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It can be considered a form of mental and physical abuse.

Is child abuse psychological?

Yes and no. Child abuse can take many forms. But the result, or the impact it has on the child, is emotional and psychological. The forms child abuse can take are emotional child abuse, psychological child abuse (also referred to as mental child abuse), and physical child abuse.

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The plot is of a young boy and how he endures the traumatic and severe physical and mental abuse at the hands of his psychotic mother.

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mental,physical abuse to your body and a load of meaness.

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Hitting a child in any way, with or without an object is still known as "Physical Child Abuse."

What is the amount of years you get in jail for physically abusing a child?

The criminal penalties for child abuse depend on many factors including:The state in which the child abuse occurred;The extent of the physical and / or mental injury of the child;Any permanent nature of injuries sustained by the childThe frequency of the child abuse;Use of a deadly weapon in committing the abuse;Any act of sexual abuse;Use of malicious torture;Caging of the child; andPrevious conviction for similar child abuse offenses.A defendant may be charged with misdemeanor or felony child abuse, depending on these and other factors. This may mean months in jail or potentially decades in prison if convicted.