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because he is very scared because you are part martian but yet he likes u very much he wants u in his bed

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Q: Why didn't your crush laugh at all of your jokes?
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How do you know if crush feels the same way you do?

do you blush around your crush, do you laugh at all his jokes even when their not funny? if he does the same duhhhhh! go for it!

What if you're a fifth grader and you want to get a boy to notice you?

Just talk to him and act funny (but not stupid). make sure to laugh to all his jokes. Just talk to him and act funny (but not stupid). make sure to laugh to all his jokes.

Why do I not laugh at other peoples jokes?

Every individual has a different sense of what they feel is funny regarding a joke. Some people do not mind harmless jokes, while other people do not find crude or rude jokes funny at all. Perhaps the jokes told are simply not that funny to you and it is fine if you don't laugh at jokes. Everyone has that option.

How do you show a guy you like him in a flirty what?

laugh at all of his jokes and do physical contact when you talk to him

How do you get a guy to notice you and like you?

laugh at all his jokes. smile when he looks at you. and just be yourself

Did misty had a crush on ash?

No he doesn't all those jokes are fake watch Pokemon closely, Only ash has a crush on misty because he is acting dumb.

You like a girl but you do not know if she likes you how can you tell?

she will be fidgety when shes talkin to you, she will laugh at all ur jokes even if they're not funny.

Why would your shy crushes mom laugh at your jokes sometimes and your crush doesn't?

It's possible that the shy crush's mom is more comfortable around you than your crush is, leading her to react positively to your jokes. Your crush may still be shy or unsure about how to respond to your humor. It's important to give them time to warm up to you and not take their reaction personally.

How do i know if he wants me to be his girlfriend?

Well, the only way to know is by signs, does he constantly want to be around you? is he constantly calling or texting you, does he hug you, does he try to make you laugh, does he laugh at all your jokes? these are the signs you need to be looking for

How do you know if a girls likes you?

She will look at you often, laugh at your jokes and talk to you alot she seems to be around you all the time, and will smile at you hoping for one back (:

If a girl likes you what are the physical signs?

She will laugh at jokes u tell, twirl her hair, maybe blush, draw hearts, stare at you at all times!

How do you know he is interested in you?

do they follow you around? laugh at all your jokes? smile so much they look like they're in pain? try to be part of your conversations and friendship groups? will defend you no matter what? are insufferably horrible sometimes because they are trying to cover it up? any one of these is a sign of crush. i know I've been there.