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No you cannot remove a repossession off your credit report if your cosigner has a judgement on the repossession.

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Q: Can you remove a repossession off your credit report if your cosigner has a judgment on the repossession?
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Does bankruptcy remove a repossession from your credit report?


How do you remove a repossession on your credit report after bankruptcy is discharged?

You present proof that the repossession never occured. You can dispute it with the credit reporting agency.

If your a cosigner and want to remove your name before the loan is paid off will this affect your credit in any way?

A cosigner cannot simply remove their name from the contract. The cosigner is obligated equally with the primary borrower until the loan is paid. A cosigner's credit history will be affected, hopefully in a positive way.

If you are a cosigner in someone's loan for a line of credit and he is at default what can the cosigner do to take his name back?

Nothing. The only option for being remove as a cosigner is to have the original loan refinanced without the cosigner participating.

Can you file for bankruptcy with a repo on your credit?

The fact that you have a repossession on your credit report is not a determining factor of whether your can file for bankruptcy. Generally in bankruptcy you can remove the debts from the repossession of your vehicle.

How do you remove cosigner from private students loans?

Refinancing in your name, if you have credit, is one easy way to do this.

If you cosign an auto loan for someone and they refinance in one year and remove you from the loan how will that affect your credit assuming all payments are made on time?

The cosigner's credit isn't affected one ioto unless the person who was responsible for the loan payments defaulted, then and if the cosigner also defaulted. In other words, just being a cosigner does not affect ones credit ratings.

Why won't the credit bureau remove a realized judgment in Texas?

55.6 INR

How can you remove a judgment that was paid less than 2 years?

Contest the judgment through the three major credit reporting bureaus. They will contact the party and either verify that it was paid off and remove it or if they do not hear back with 20 days they will remove it from your credit report.

How do you remove a judgment from your credit report that is not valid?

File a motion to vacate based on that fact. After the judgment is entered there is a SOL for filing that motion.

How can you quickly remove a judgment from your credit report?

Bankruptcy. Bankruptcy will not remove a judgment from the debtor's credit report. The judgment will still remain for the required time if it is discharged in bankruptcy, settled or paid in full. Valid judgments remain for the required 7 years. Most judgments are renewable and can be reentered on the debtor's credit report whenever that action is taken.

If your car is repossessed how does getting it back help your credit?

It won't help much unless you can sweet-talk the lender and convince him to remove the repossession from the credit report. Otherwise, the repossession stays on the record and the only 'improvement' to your credit rating would be the lack of an accompanying past due status.