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Yes, your car can be repossessed if the title loan is in collections. Actually, this is one of the most common ways for a defaulted title loan to be settled.

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Q: Can your car be repossessed on a title loan after gone into collections?
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Can a car be repossessed in California without a lien being placed on the title?

IF the loan is perfected, it can be repossessed. If you have signed a loan contract with the vehicle specified as collateral for that loan, it can be reepossessed if the loan is in default.

Can a car be repossessed if there is a lien holder on title but there is no actual loan?


What happens to title loan cars when they are repossessed?

They are sent to an auction and sold.

Does a person who shares the title on a car but who is not on the loan have any legal responsibilities if the car is repossessed?

NONE on the loan.

What can happen if you don't pay a title loan and you still have the car?

The vehicle can be repossessed.

Do you still owe title loan after vehicle is not working and repossessed?

YES! Including any interest.

Why has your vehicle been repossessed if you are up to date on all title loan payments?

Call the loan company and ask them. If you are up to date on your loan you have a case against them.

If an auto loan is in one person's name and the title in another person's name can the vehicle be repossessed?


If there are two owners on a auto title and only one signs for a auto title loan and dies is the other person responsible for paying balance of loan?

The short answer is yes, if you want to keep the car. Otherwise the loan will go into default and it will be repossessed. If you did not sign for the loan, it will not affect your credit.

If your car is repossessed are you responsible for the balance after they sell your car in Illinois?

You are unless it's a TITLE LOAN, they usually write it off.

Do co-signer have to pay for repossessed car?

Yes. By co-signing they agree to pay the loan.

How can you register and make legal the car whose loan you defaulted on but which was never repossessed?

You'll have to pay off the bank and get the title cleared.