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Q: Lower-level managers typically confront which type of decision making?
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How would you describe an operational decision?

Operational decisions focus on day-to-day activities within the company and are typically made by lower-level managers.

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can the managers avoid making decisions

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Managers who executed a legally sound decision

What is the importance of financial statement to the managers?

to make a decision

What is the difference between strategic decision administrative decision and operational decision?

Strategic decisions are made by executive level managers. Operational decisions are made by line managers. Operational decisions can change from day-to-day.

HRM affect all managers?

Yes, indeed HRM affects the decision making of all the managers.

Which systems are intended to help individual managers in their decision making capability?

Decision Support system

How should managers monitor the progress of decision implementation?

Managers should monitor the progress of decision implementation by watching productivity. If productivity increases, then they have likely made the right decisions.

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Marketing Research aid Marketing Managers in decision making . Discuss with suitable examples?

A management information system is typically used by .?

middle-level managers

Challenges facing managers in regards to decision making?

Opinions may vary. One challenge that faced managers is making the right decision to a tough problem given a limited time.

Role of quantitative techniques in decision making?

Quantitative techniques in decision-making helps managers make decisions that are best for the organization. With numbers supporting decisions, managers can get the support of top management.