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well fish oil does plenty of things except prevent heart Arrhythmia's doctors should know i'm 11 stupid doctors from shemar

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Q: Do fish oil supplements prevent heart arrhythmia's?
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Can fish oil help prevent a heart attack?

There are various uses of fish oil. Yes..Fish oil helps prevent heart attack. You can get more information from the related link

Does fish oil prevent heart disease?

yes it does

Fish and the Heart?

Do you like to eat salmon? How about swordfish? How about fish in general? Medical scientists have discovered that people who eat fish at least once a week reduce their chances of suffering a heart attack 52 percent. That's because fish is an excellent source of the omega-3 fatty acids that significantly lessen the risk of arrhythmias implicated in sudden death. Additionally, omega-3 fatty decrease blood pressure slightly and help prevent the development of coronary artery disease. If you're looking for an easy way to help your heart, serve fish for dinner tonight!

What is the purpose of cholesterol supplements?

Cholesterol supplements are designed to lower your cholesterol. Although these cannot replace proper diet and exercise, a few (multivitamins, fiber and fish oil) are proven to improve heart health.

Is taking a daily supplement of fish oil a good measure for heart attack prevention?

Fish oil is a good source of omega-3 fatty acids, which are beneficial to the heart. Taking daily fish oil supplements may lower triglycerides, protect against sudden death, heart attacks, dangerous abnormal heart rhythms and more.

How can I prevent heart disease?

You can prevent heart disease by eating nutritious food. Eat foods such as fruits, vegetables, lean protein, and fish. Do not eat empty calories with sugar.

Can I get the same benefits from fish oil supplements as I can from eating fish?

Yes it will give you the same benefits just do not overdue it with the supplements.

are fish oil supplements safe for bodybuilders?

Yes, fish oil supplements are safe for bodybuilders. You should take these supplements before you work out to maximize their potential. It will help tremendously.

Is it ok to drink carrot juice and take fish supplements or am I risking too much Vitamin A?

No! What you should be taking is fish juice and carrot supplements!!!

How can i prevent disease?

You can prevent Heart disease by eating nutritious food. Eat foods such as fruits, vegetables, lean protein, and fish. Do not eat empty calories with sugar.

Can you get mercury poisoning from fish oil supplements?


Do fish oil supplements really help build muscle mass?

Fish Oil, while it does not soley build muscle mass, is a great vitamin to take daily, as it can lower cholesterol and heart attack rates, as well as boost metabolism.