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yes but you probably shouldn't when they get older they suck algae off of other fish wich will die. i would put it up for adoption. but it depends on the kind of algae eater i like plecos. but the tiny worm like thing at the petstore where the suck on their dead comrades, arent the best fish, but you can put more than one together as long as living space and tank levels allow. if you like stuff like those look into loaches just Google image it, but have a fifty or more gallon tank no matter how small they apear.

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Q: Can you put 2 algae eaters in the same tank?
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What algae eater can you put in a one and a half gal tank that has a Betta and an African Dwarf Frog?

You can put a Otocinclus. But the rule is an inch per gallon so try an Otocinclus all the other eaters will be too big for a little tank.

If I have a 10 gallon tank with one male black moor fish in it what other type of fish could I put in with him.?

You could put in more goldfish. You could also try some White Cloud Mountain Minnows. If you want a Algae eater then you could get one or two Chinese Algae eaters.

What fish can you put in a tank with a goldfish?

almost any other type of fish just make sure their bigger than the gold fishes mouth or the goldfish will eat it

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Yes. Frogs are very opportunistic eaters and will eat smaller versions of themselves.

What is a kinds of fish eat algae?

Most fish will not eat only algae, and will eat anything else you put in and leave the algae untouched, instead. If you want to add something to a tank in order to get rid of algae, I recommend a snail or some shrimp. Or you could take a clean rag and wipe it off the tank.

Can algra eaters br put with goldfish?

I do not know of any Algae eaters that can live in cold water . Goldfish are cold water fish. So unless you can find some species of cold water algae eater the answer is no they can not be kept together successfully.

Can you put an algae eater in the take with carp?

Since they don't use the same food source, they aren't competitive. However, bigger fish eat smaller fish no matter what. Algae eaters tend to survive when other free-swimming fish get eaten, but if your carp are really aggressive or breeding or maybe just bored, then the algae eaters of whatever kind may get picked on. You could try snails and controlling the amount of light, if algae eating fish don't work out.

Is it a good idea to put a moss ball in my tank for my baby guppies to eat?

No Guppies are not moss eaters.

How do you get green algae of turtle tank?

There are a few ways. I only know 2. 1st take the turtles out of the tank (put them in another tank) and get a wind shield wiper against the sides of the cage. OR get a bottom feeding fish. They will eat all the algae in the tank.

Do you need algae in a fish tank?

Algae is natures water purifier. It forms naturally wherever there is water, light and food for the algae to grow. It is not an absolute neccessity. If you wish to cut down the amount of algae forming you could put more live water plants in the tank. They will go into competition with the algae for the light and food.

Can you put a map turtle in the same tank with a slider?

YES, you can put a map turtle in the same tank with a slider.

Clear stuff growing in the fish tank?

that is algae get a fish tank scrapper and put a rubber glove on and clean it off otherwise it will keep growing