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Dracula's Castle Transylvania - now in Romania

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Q: According to author Bram Stoker where did vampire Dracula live?
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When was the horror novel Dracula written?

Bram Stoker wrote the novel dracula. Bram Stoker

What is the origin of Dracula?

The story of Dracula was partly based on European folklore and partly based on unrelated historical events. The author of 'Dracula', Bram Stoker, spent several years researching European folklore and stories of vampires (Dracula was not the first Vampire book) and became interested in the word dracul. This word, from the Megleno-Romanian language, means 'devil' but also used to mean 'dragon'.The fictional (made-up) character of Dracula was based just in name on a man that lived in what is now Romania in Eastern Europe between 1431 and 1476. His name was Vlad Dracula.Vlad's father held the title of Dracul (no 'a' at the end) because he was a member of a secret fraternal order of knights called The Order of the Dragon. So as Vlad was his son, he received the name Dracula (Son of the Order of the Dragon).Vlad Dracula is most famously known as 'Vlad the Impaler'. He was called this because this was his preferred method of executing people (by leaving them to die slowly impaled on steaks).Historians argue that Bram Stoker in fact knew little of the historic Vlad III except for his nickname. In his book Stoker includes no details about Vlad III's reign and does not mention his use of impalement.Bram Stoker was originally going to call his vampire "Count Wampyr" but changed it to "Count Dracula" basically because he liked the word/name Dracula. The original Vlad Dracula was not a Count, nor was he a vampire. In writing Dracula, Stoker may also have drawn on Gaelic fairy stories about blood-drinking women.The mannerisms of Dracula are thought to have come from a man called Henry Irving, a stage actor in the Victorian era at a theater where Stoker worked. Stoker apparently modeled Dracula's dramatic sweeping gestures and gentlemanly mannerisms on those he had observed in Irving.Early belief in vampires has thought to have come from people at the time not fully understanding the process of a body decomposing after death and so trying to rationalize this by creating the figure of the vampire to explain it.

What actor played as Dracula in the first Dracula movie?

In Van Helsing, Count Dracula was played by Richard Roxburgh.

What is Dracula are they present on earth?

Count Dracula was a character invented in the 1800s by Bram Stoker for his novel "Dracula". He was however partially based on the Romanian Prince Vlad Tempe also known as Vlad the Impaler because he impled his enemies on sharpened stakes. His nickname as a child was Vlad Dracule, which means Little Dragon.

Was Dracula a gothic fiction novel?

Gothic literature is writing involving horror,the supernatural, ghosts, castles, darkness, good versus evil and suchlike.Bram Stoker's Dracula involves horror (driving a stake through the heart of lucy), the supernatural (men turning into vampires), castles (in the forests of Transylvania), darkness (when Dracula went sucking blood), good versus evil (crosses, garlic, stakes,etc to kill vampires). In other words it has all the classic ingredients of a gothic horror story.

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Who is the author of the famous vampire book ever written?

Dracula was written by Bram Stoker.

Whos the author of the most famous vampire book ever written?

Bram Stoker is the author of the most famous vampire book ever written, "Dracula," published in 1897.

Who is the author of dracula's?

Bram Stoker is author of Dracula novel.

In what date Dracula become?

Dracula is a fictional vampire character created by author Bram Stoker in his 1897 novel "Dracula." The precise date when Dracula became a vampire is not explicitly mentioned in the book.

Facts about Bram Stoker?

Bram Stoker's birth name is Stoker, Abraham.

Author of most famous vampire book ever written?

Bram Stoker, author of "Dracula", is generally considered to have penned the most famous vampire book ever written.

Who is the athor of dracula?

The author of Dracula is Bram Stoker.

What author wrote the best vampire book?

Many readers consider Bram Stoker's "Dracula" to be the best vampire book ever written, as it popularized many of the vampire tropes that are still widely used in literature and popular culture today.

Who was the author of Dracula?

bram stoker

Who famous author of vampire book ever written?

Bram Stoker was an Irish novelist who wrote the Gothic novel 'Dracula' in 1897. 'Dracula' is famous for introducing the Count and his battle with vampire hunter Abraham van Helsing.

Who created Dracula?

Dracula was created by Irish author Bram Stoker. He first appeared in Stoker's 1897 gothic novel titled "Dracula."

Who invented the fairy tale Dracula?

Dracula was not really invented. Bram Stoker, the author of the novel, was inspired by a real person named Vlad III (also Vlad Tepes or Vlad Draculea). Vlad Tepes (1431-1476) was a prince from Walachia. The novel "Dracula" by Bram Stoker was first published on 18th May 1897.