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Q: Did Oswald work alone
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What conclusions was reached by the warren commission?

That Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone.

Was Lee Harvey Oswald alone in the assassination?

According to all known investigations he was alone.

What was reached by the warren commission?

That Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone.

What the warren commission determined?

1. That Lee Harvey Oswald tried to kill Gen. Erwin Walker in April 1963, and he acted alone. 2. That Lee Harvey Oswald fired three shots and killed President John. F. Kennedy, and he acted alone. 3. That one of the three shots, fired by Oswald went through President John Kennedy and struck Govenor John Connelly. 4. That Lee Harvey Oswald shot and killed Officer JD Tippit, and he acted alone. 5. That Lee Harvey Oswald tried to kill another Dallas Police Officer when he was arrested. 6. That Jack Ruby shot and killed Lee Harvey Oswald, and he (Ruby) acted alone.

Who do you get to be on epic mickey 2?

If you are playing alone, you are Mickey and the console is Oswald. But if you are playing with another person, you get to be Mickey and the other person gets to be Oswald. If you want to be Oswald, swap remote with your friend when you are playing together.

What conclusion was reached by warren commission?

That Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone.

After the JFK assassination the Warren Commission concluded that who did it alone?

Lee Harvey Oswald.

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Who drove Lee Harvey Oswald to work?

Buell Frazier: He drove Lee Harvey Oswald to work that fateful Nov. 22. 1963.

Was the assassination of JFK by Lee Harvey Oswald?

The Warren Commission finding was the he acted alone.

After investigating the assassination of John F. Kennedy the Warren Commission concluded what?

Lee Harvey Oswald was a lone shooter on the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository. He fired 3 shots: the first missed the presidential limo, the second hit JFK in the throat and passed on to Governor Connallys chest, right wrist, and left thigh, and the third hit JFK somewhere between his right ear and eye and above which killed him.

Who plotted to kill John F. Kennedy?

According to the Warren Commission, Oswald plotted alone.