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Q: Did Zeus end up trusting percy?
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What is the solution to The Lightning Thief?

The solution ends up with Percy finding the ligntning bolt in the sheald Luke had given him. He throws Luke into the depths of the ocean, and saves his mom. Percy and Annabeth travel to Olympus, and return the lightning bolt to Zeus.

Does Percy Jackson get Zeus' lightning bolt back?

Yes, Percy Jackson does return Zeus's lightning bolt before the winter solstice

Will Annabeth and Percy end up together?

if you want the answer look at "Will Annabeth and Percy end up together?"

What did Percy do?

Percy Jackson saved Zeus lightning bolt from Luke and went up to Mt Olympus with his friends Grover the satyr and Annabeth the daughter of Athena

How did hades end up in the under world?

hades was trick by Zeus and ended up there plus he's the oldest out of Poseidon and Zeus's. Zeus is the youngest. whats up with that?

What happenend in The Lightning Thief?

Zeus nd Posiedon had an argument because Zeus' master bolt was stolen. He blames Poseidon because he thinks that Percy Jackson is the thief. When Percy soon finds out that he is demigod nd about this problem he only has 10 days, up untill the summer solstice, to find and retrieve the bolt to Zeus.

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how dose percy and grover en d up on the side of the highway

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Because of the vow the "Big Three" (Zeus, Hades, Poseidon) took after the prophesy; not to have any children.

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Luke, because he thinks the gods are ruthless making their children do all of their work for them.

What is the Percy Jackson and the Olympians resolution?

Percy battles Ares and finds out that he tricked all the gods into a war, which he will benefit from. The Furies watched the battle and returned the Helm of Darkness to Hades. The master bolt was returned to Zeus. Gabe is turned into a statue and sold.

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That her and Percy will end up together and go on a lot of fairly dangerous quests to save the world. Their problems don't end here...

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sirius black is a criminal the only ppl trusting him are harry....he does end up dying