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No, he does not.

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Q: Does Chuck Norris drive an ice cream truck covered in skulls?
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Who would win in a fight against master chief and Chuck Norris?

When would that fight arise? _______________________ Chuck Norris would win ____________________________ I say master chief would win because he can withstand a lot of damage, he can regenerate health and he can inflict a lot of damage. but if it is a gun fight the MC would win but if it is a melee fight then Chuck would win.

What is the best chuck noris joke?

Here are some. Chuck Norris can slam a revolving door. Chuck Norris built the house he was born in. Chuck Norris can win Connect 4 in three moves. Chuck Norris counted to infinity; twice. When Chuck Norris steps in a puddle he doesn't get wet, the puddle gets Chuck Norris'ed. Time waits for no man; except if that man is Chuck Norris. When the Boogieman goes to bed, he checks his wardrobe for Chuck Norris. Superman has a pair of Chuck Norris pyjamas.

What are bon-bon ice cream?

Chocolate covered ice cream

What is tartuffo?

Ice Cream covered with chocolate

Can an ice cream melting be reversed?

yes, you just chuck it in the freezer

What is a alliteration sentence for cupcakes?

I like coconut cupcakes covered with cream and candy sprinkles. Cream cheese covered coconut cupcakes created delight at the cast party.

Jessie bought a gallon of ice cream. There was a cone shaped chuck of fudge in the middle. The rest was vanilla ice cream?


What is Bulldog Crunch ice cream made of?

vanilla ice cream, lots of caramel and chocolate covered pieces of crunch bar

What is the name of the round candy covered in chocolate filled with fruit preserves or cream?

Cordials .

Do chocolate covered ice cream bars smell good?

It is not going to smell like anything

What cream can you put on your face to get rid of a bad reaction?

im pretty shure chuck noris' baby making juice will do the trick

Does anyone remember a heart shaped ice cream on a stick It was pink and white ice cream covered in chocolate?

ive never SEEN it but I've heard of it b4.