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first attack dont stay still, obvious just run best to just take one ring at a time if ur not sure if u can survive. if u manage to live the bullets hell jump down on the field and then back up to try and squish you. Dodge and jump on his head.

hell also try to swoop in, dont go too far to the left or right but not exactly in the middle, when he pecks at the ground, jump on him again.

when the boss blows is fans MASH A and B at the same time to get closer, hell jump up again. from here on out its just repetition of attacks. Good luck.

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12y ago

that's easy 1.boss: first you get wisp on the cup when he shoots lazer's boost on

his hand and attack boost around the ring and jump on- oh forget this its to hard to explain i beat this game in three hours bring the freaking game over here!

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Q: How do defeat the bosses on sonic colors?
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Dude, You need to be more specific. Nobody has any idea what BOSS you are talking about.

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