Johnny Depp was inspired by his very own parents that supported him through out his whole life.
When they reach the age of majority (generally 18) or they have been emancipated in some manner (court decree/marriage/joining the military).
Get another email and put it in for parents email
No, the legal age of majority with the exception of four states is 18. In Alabama and Nebraska it is 19, in Mississippi and Pennsylvania it is 21. But with parental permission you can or if emancipated by the court or through marriage.
You are talking of quite a risky thing right there. But if it comes to that point, you can call your local social service office and explain your case. Besides that, check here: They have all the information you need about that. Best of luck with what you do! In the few US states that allow the emancipation of minors the minimum age for such now stands at 16. That being said, emancipation decrees are rarely granted by any judge in any state. If the minor believes themselves to be in an environment of neglect and/or abuse they should enlist the assistance of a trusted adult in the contacting of the state's division of child protective services. Or call the National Child Abuse Hotline toll free at 1-800-422-453 or 1-800-252-2873, for assistance, all information is kept confidential.
yes you can. just as long as you have your parents sig.
To get a legal guardian, a family to live with and to be supported by his parents. Being abandoned does not mean you are on your own or emancipated or that a judge will emancipate you.
Another oddly phrased question. People (including parents) are not illegal, only actions can be illegal. Perhaps you mean, if your parents are criminals, can you be emancipated? The usual remedy if you have parents who are criminals, would be for you to be placed in the care of some other relative, or failing that, to become a ward of the state. Emancipation takes place for other reasons than the mere lack of a guardian. Are your parents trying to rob you of your rightfully earned money? Then perhaps you deserve to be emancipated.
No. An emancipated minor is required to support themselves through gainful employment and not by their parents or public assistance.
if youre emancipated from your parents they have no legal grounds to detain you.
Yes, if a judge of competent jurisdiction agrees.
Emancipated minors are minors who have been legally released from the control of their parents.
First you'll need to get emancipated, and a judge won't do it unless you have a good reason.
No. Emancipated children have no legal ties to their parents.
No, not in any state are you emancipated because you are pregnant or had a baby.
If you haven't been emancipated, then yes.
You can get emancipated. File at the local courthouse. * Being placed in the custody of another person and being emancipated are two different things. A minor doesn't get to decide who has custody of them. The only way a court will remove custody from your parents is if they have been proven to be unfit in some manner. As far as emancipation, in the state of Louisiana if your parents don