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Q: In which movie does Jim Carrey find out his life is a reality TV show?
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What movie character's life was a reality show?

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Are you reffering to the movie or reality. If reality, you mean Ashley Tisdale. In HSM, Sharpay is interested in Troy. In reality, Ashley and Zac's personal life is not publisized.

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Are you referring to reality or the movie? In HSM, Troy is not interested in Sharpay. In reality, Ashley and Zac's personal life is not publisized.

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Pokemon is already a reality. You just can't find Pokemon in real life - it will only ever be fictional.

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Your past life hasn't caught up with your present life. Reality is something that feels distance but when your soul catches up its not going to be good reality hits hard. I've yet to find reality. Any minute im going to wake up and realize it was a big dream.

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"The Fountain" explores themes of life, death, and rebirth through a non-linear narrative that blurs the lines between reality and metaphysical concepts. "Life of Pi," on the other hand, focuses more on the power of storytelling, belief, and the subjective nature of truth. Both films delve into the nature of reality, but "The Fountain" does so in a more abstract and philosophical manner.

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"Reality" by Konai Helu Thaman explores the beauty and harshness of life, highlighting the struggles and triumphs we face. The poem emphasizes the need to embrace reality, acknowledging both its challenges and joys, and to find strength in facing it head-on. Thaman ultimately encourages readers to find purpose and meaning in the midst of life's complexities.

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Why not combining the life you have with life you love? Wishful thinking alone does not become reality. It`s in the combination of both that you find the palpable idealized life. that sucks...but what u get is what u get

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