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Yes he is a liberal muslim.His Father is a muslim from Pakistan & mother a Christian from uk ( Converted to Islam after getting married to his father).!

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Who are the us5 members?

US5 are: Christopher "Richie" Stringini Christoph Watrin Tariq Jay Kahn Izzy Gallegos and Vincent Thomas

When are the members from Us5 from?

Depends on which members you mean. At US5's most successful time the members were Richie, Vincent, Jay, Chris, and Izzy. Richie is from outside of Chicago, Illinois, USA Vincent is from Los Angeles, California, USA Izzy is from Stockton, California, USA Chris is from Germany and going to school in Berlin when he quit the band. Jay is from the United Kingdom but lives in Berlin, Germany The American members of US5 returned to the United States when the band fell apart.

Where are the members from US5 from?

Germany. Germany.

How old is izzy gallegos from us5?

He is 26.

How old is Vincent Thomas from US5?

He was born on August 27,1992, so that makes him 16.

Why did Chris Watrin leave us5?

All we know is he's gone! SAD BUT TRUE!

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The chemical formula for uranium (V) sulfide is US5.

Who is Richie Stringini dating?

Richie stringini Is a member of the boy band called US5. The other members are Chris Watrin, Jay khan, Izzy Gallegos, and Vincent Thomas. They are most famous out of the US but someday may perform there. The former member of the band was Mikel Johnson. That is who Richie Stringini is and he is so hot! The band US5 rocks!

What happened with us5?

Their last album did not chart and Triple M Management/ Label, broke them up in 2010.

Want is the value of your 1835 US5 cent piece worth?

The first U.S. nickels were struck in 1866.

Where does Vince Tomas of US5 live?

Vince lives in LA, CA with his family. Izzy lives in Stockton, CA and Richie lives outside of Chicago, IL with his family. Each of these guys returned home to live with their families when the band fell apart.

Where do us5 members live?

nobody is sure were they live,,, i don't think anybody knows because they wouldn't want people to keep going to there house now would they