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Q: Is there any singing auditions for 13 year olds to make them famous?
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How 2 be a Singer?

Fist join a band and practice really hard-OR-Join a local chior or chorus group. You can also audtion to become famous. Go to and type in " singing auditions for ___ in ______" (for the 1st "____" put how old you are.. in the second "____"put the nearest major city you live near) ex: singing auditons for 15 year olds in Atlanta, ga

Can 25 year olds get auditions into Disney channel?

Yes of course.

Are there any auditions for 10-15 year olds in England?

yes there is audition for 10-15 year olds in England.

How can a 13 year old become a famous singer in South Africa?

well, the 13 year old should get use to singing in front of a big crowds. try getting the 13 year old to sing to friends and family and the 13 years olds' friends/family will tell people about their 13 year olds' talent for singing and eventually if people keep talking about that talent, specific people might hear about the 13 yr old and hopefully he/she will become famous. but work on your pitch in singing don't make your voice to deep of to high.

Are their any acting auditions for Twelve or Thirteen year olds?

So you like acting? So do I! But unfortunately there is not many acting auditions out there for 12 and 13 year olds. If you like acting you might want to make a video clip and add it on YouTube. Other than that, there is not many other ways that you could get an audition although you could get an agent that would find a audition for you.

Who does the singing in Family Force 5?

Who does the singing is Jacob Olds (Crouton) and Joshua Olds (Phatty). Crouton and Phatty are twin brothers. The lead singer is Solomon Olds(Soul Glow Activatur), but he splits the role among his two brothers.

What colleges are there for singing 13 year olds?

Julie Art

Are there any auditions anywhere for 11 year olds?

seriously, go and audition for Mary poppins as Jane Banks

Are there any film auditions or any open auditions for feature films for a thirteen year old girl in England?

I think Harry Potter might be open call. < that's for over 15year olds =(

Are there any auditions for 10 year olds in east enders?

We are the public, and the show hasn't revealed a spot open yet.

How does an 11 year old get famous?

To begin with, you need to be able to deal with crowds, be a good singer and have faith in yourself. You can one, go knocking on recording studios, two you can go on a T.V. Show or three you can get a camera or a web cam and make a video on youtube and wish for the best.

When and where are open auditions for Potter and the Half Blood Prince?

As far as I know their only looking for 15 -18yr olds for Lanvonder Brown and they've already held the auditions!!!! You might still be able to be an extra though i am pretty sure they get people from a particular agent for extras! I would love to be in it as well but you can't anymore your to late also the auditions for Tom riddle for 15-18 year olds has also been held already!!!