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Sahib Bahadur (1977) a film by Chetan Anand is partially influenced by Cinderella.

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Q: What Hindi movie tells a Cinderella story?
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What year was Disney's Cinderella first released?

The movie Cinderella was released by Disney on February 15, 1950. The movie, which tells the story of Cinderella and her cruel stepsisters, had been rereleased a few times since the original in 1950.

Why is the Cinderella story so popular?

"Cinderella" is so beloved because it's a message of hope. It tells people "Yes, you can change your life", or "You will find your Prince Charming". What can I say, people love a good rags-to-riches story.

How much is Cinderella supposed to weigh?

The story never actually tells us. Light enough to be supported by glass heels, apparently!

Is the Cinderella story a biography?

No, the Cinderella story is not a biography. It is a fairy tale that has been passed down through generations and has many different variations in different cultures. It is a work of fiction that tells the story of a young woman who overcomes adversity with the help of a fairy godmother.

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