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Q: What are facts about elizabeth 1 with the Anglican church?
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What kind of religion was Queen Elizabeth 1?

it was both religions both protestant n catholic and they both h8ted each other

Which 3 churches formed and made 1 church?

I believe it was the Presbyterian Church, the Methodist Church, & maybe the Anglican Church that got together to form the United Church.

What church did elizabeth 1 start?

She didn’t start a church her father did and it was the Church of England. When he broke from the Catholic Church he began the Church of England.

Which religion did England follow when Elizabeth 1 became Queen?

Elizabeth I established as the official religion a Protestant church that became the Church of England. ANGLICAN CATHOLIC ANSWER Apart from the Republican experiment between 1642 and 1660, The Religion of England has always been Catholic! Not Roman Catholicism, which is derived from Trent, but the old teaching of the first thousand years derived from Revelation, Scripture and the Councils. All Henry did was to introduce a new note of Nationalism in to the equasion. What Eliza did was throw off her sister, Queen Mary's attempt to inflict the teachings of the Council of Trent on to the English Church! At no time did the Anglican Church become protestant, indeed, in 1640 it resisted an attempt by a packed protestant parliament to inflict Calvinism on to the English Church!

How is communion similar and different in both the roman catholic church and the Anglican church?

They do not qualify to partake of the Holy emblems! Read 1 cor. 11:27.

When and where did Queen Elizabeth do what she did?

queen elizabth 1 established a church in england and she did it .

Why was Queen Elizabeth 1 excommunicated from the Roman Catholic Church?

She was Protestant

What contributions did Britain make to organized religion?

Answer 1: Great Britain is the home of Anglicanism... the Church of England. The church body in the United States that's a member of "The Anglican Communion," worldwide, is "The Episcopal Church."

What percentage of Americans are Anglican?

The Church of England has an electoral roll membership of 1.2 million and an average of about 1 million British citizens attend Anglican services per week. There are over 16,000 Anglican churches and places of worship in England. There are about 78,000 Anglicans in Wales

What is the relationship between elizabeth 1 and the reformation?

Anglican Catholic Answer?Elizabeth was a Catholic, not a Roman one but an Anglican! She wanted to take her religion back to the state it was in in the latter years of her father and before the Calvinist excesses of her brother Edward.This couldn't be done because of the strength of the protestant party and the support it got from the nobility and gentry who were feared of losing the Monastic and church lands they'd gained! But the queen did what she could to protect her Church, refusing to allow the protestants too much lee way in their attacks on the Anglican Catholics. She told them that religion was not for the likes of them, but was for the Church and Bishops to decide.She abolished the monstrosity of the 2nd, prayer book and made token gestures in the 1559 book. It is thought that she preferred the First Prayer Book, which was the Sarum Mass, translated in to the vernacular! She was helped on her way by the murderous attempts on her life fostered by the papacy! IN parliament [1559] and in Convocation [1572] she allowed the Anglican catholics to affirm the Church's beliefs in the Seven Ecumenical Councils and Holy Tradition, thus placing the Church on the front line of the Catholic Belief of the First Thousand years!

Why was Queen Elizabeth 1 against the catholic religion?

the pope headed the catholic church and elizabeth was a big supporter of Protestantism

What was Elizabeth 1 a strong supporter of?

She was a strong supporter of Great Britain as a nation, and the Protestant Church.