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Q: What dose Alexandra mean when she calls Atticus soft-heartedwhat has he donein Alexandra's viewthat is soft-hearted?
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Why are Mormons regarded as a cult?

Some opinions"A cult is a religion that is said to be unorthodox or that emphasizes devotion according to prescribed ritual. Many cults follow a living human leader, and often their adherents live in groups apart from the rest of society. The standard for what is orthodox should be God's Word". so they fit the description of a cult.1. they have the "ritual" of every member having to give a tenth of their wage to the church.2.they follow a human leader "Joseph Smith"3.what they teach is "unorthodox" because it conflicts with God's word.OpinionTithing is not a ritual and we don't have to give a tenth of our income. We give it because we want to and if we don't pay we won't get kicked out or anything like it. Pretty much every religion has a human leader e.g. the Catholics have the pope. Our human leader is not Joseph Smith but is called Gordon B. Hinkley. Joseph Smith was the person who restored the Church of Jesus Christ to earth.How can we we teach things that conflict with God's word if we use the Bible as well as other scripture. We use the King James version of the Bible.If you classify a cult simply by these 3 points then every religion is a cult.The reason why people consider us to be a cult is because they don't like what we teach and how we are and want to make us bad. If you want go and visit your local Mormon church and you will see that it is not a cult. * I'm not Mormon or LDS whatever you would like to call them, but yes I do live in Utah where I'd say 85% of the people that live here are Mormon. It's a ritual to give 10% of your wages to your church what about other Christian religions (yes Mormonism is a form of Christianity) that pass a plate around for donations, they even do it in the Catholic church, it's the same thing.* When my Mormon friend followed the present Mormon Doctrine Tithing and stopped paying it, his Temple recommend was suspended. Temple recommend is needed to enter their Temple.Tithing is part of the commandments for Mormons. You can choose whether or not to do it, just as you can choose whether or not to follow any other commandments. The temple is a sacred place, and only people who are following the commandments should enter. That's why his recommend was suspended.Now back to cult;cult : A delusion held by one person is a mental illness, held by a few is a cult, held by many is a religion. --(source unknown to me) The term 'cult' expresses disparagement and is usually used to refer to unconventional religious groups. Because Mormons believe in Tritheism and the mainstream Christianity believes in Trinitarianism. Of course bad-mouthing of beliefs different than yours is a common character flaw since time immemorial..OpinionThe subject being discussed here is not "bad-mouthing of beliefs." It is why Mormonism is considered cult-like. The reasons are that Christians believe that certain doctrines are the "orthodox" beliefs, that they are what makes a church Christian or not. Having the name Jesus Christ in the title of one's church does not make it Christian. Using the KJV of the Bible doesn't even make a church Christian. Many cults use the Bible. The teachings that make a church Christian are: The deity of Christ, that Jesus is the SAME God as God the Father. The Trinity The existence of only ONE true God. The teaching that we can become gods is a teaching of the Mormon church but it is not accepted as orthodox doctrine, nor is it taught in the Bible. God Himself said He does not know of any other God: Isaiah 44:8 Fear ye not, neither be afraid: have not I told thee from that time, and have declared it? ye are even my witnesses. Is there a God beside me? yea, there is no God; I know not any. If God Himself does not know of any other god, then how can we become gods? Salvation by grace, through faith, completely apart from any works we may do. The Bible teaches that we are saved by grace through faith, and "that not of ourselves, it is the gift of God, not of works, lest any man should boast." Ephesians 2:8 and 9. The Mormon church twists the Word of God, teaching that one will be saved by God "after all we can do." This is not a biblical doctrine, and is one more reason that the Mormon church is considered to be cult-like. Mormonism does not agree with the Bible on these points and is therefore considered to be a cult by orthodox Christians. By the word "orthodox" I am not referring to the Eastern Orthodox or Greek Orthodox church, but to the word orthodox meaning accepted as being the standard beliefs of the Christian church. Opinion Well Mormonism is considered cult like cause by definition. However so is every other organized religion on the planet they were all started by one or more people. > Tithing well lets see you are required to give 10% of you hard earnd money other wise you can not acheive eternal salvation and you can not go into the Mormon temple without being a full tith payer. > The temple for Mormons. "The temple is a sacred place, and only people who are following the commandments should enter. That's why his recommend was suspended." I am sorry to say my friend the temple my be a sacred thing to some but not to others I was a former Mormon did you know that in the temple you get a new name that if you were to tell any one you were told you should disembowel yourself and that when you were married and seald to your husband you were permitted to give him your new name but your husband was not allowed to tell you his > The colection plate that is passed around, hummm lets see you are not threatened with eternal damnation for not adding to the collection plate your not called into an officiants office to have tithing settlement for not paying to the collection plate > As for Joseph Smith, He was a polygamist it has been proven I live with a decendant of old Joe and not Emma. Joseph Smith had 36 wives he also was a really good con man he created a bank and then ran off with the peopls money who depositd it into that bank. There is proof of that too but enough about old Joe who said that having more than one wife was bad but seceretly had many him self as well as married several others off the other men in the church at that time. Proven also. > There is a lot more to this but for so many people who follow the docterinc of the Mormon church they sure don't do research on the founders of the church MUCH like a CULT would you not agree > a cult Defined as : In traditional usage, the cult of a religion, quite apart from its sacred writings ("scriptures"), its theology or myths, or the personal faith of its believers, is the totality of external religious practice and observance, the neglect of which is the definition of impiety. Cult is literally the "care" owed to the god and the shrine. The term "cult" first appeared in English in 1617, derived from the French culte, meaning "worship" or "a particular form of worship" which in turn originated from the Latin word cultus meaning "care, cultivation, worship," originally "tended, cultivated," also the past participle of colere "to till". Thus in French, for example, sections in newspapers giving the schedule of worship at Catholic churches are headed Culte Catholique; the section giving the schedule of protestant churches is headed culte réformé. By extension, "cult" has come to connote the total cultural aspects of a religion, as they are distinguished from others through change and individualization. Well-known global cults include Islam and Christianity. The meaning "devotion to a person or thing" is from 1829, and from that connotation comes the modern meaning of "cult" as in a "cultist" or a "cult following". Cult and cultist have recently accrued negative connotations that are separately dealt with at the entry cult. In Roman Catholicism, cultus or cult is the technical term for the following and devotion or veneration extended to a particular saint. Some Christians make refined distinctions between worship and veneration, both of which are outwardly expressed in cultus or cult. Catholicism and Eastern Orthodoxy distinguish between worship (Latin adoratio, Greek latreia [λατρεια]) which is due to God alone, and veneration (Latin veneratio, Greek doulia [δουλεια]), which may be lawfully offered to the saints. These distinctions between deity and mediators are exhaustively treated at the entries for worship and veneration. Among the observances in the cult of a deity are rituals and ceremonies, which may involve spoken or sung prayers or hymns, and often sacrifice, or substitutes for sacrifice. Other manifestations of the cult of a deity are the preservation of relics or the creation of images, such as icons (usually connoting a flat painted image) or three-dimensional cultic images, denigrated as "idols", and the specification of sacred places, hilltops and mountains, fissures and caves, springs, pools and groves, or even individual trees or stones, which may be the seat of an oracle or the venerated site of a vision, apparition, miracle or other occurrence commemorated or recreated in cult practices. Sacred places may be identified and elaborated by construction of shrines and temples, on which are centered public attention at religious festivals (called "feasts" in some Christian communities) and which may become the center for pilgrimages. The comparative study of cult practice is part of the disciplines of the anthropology of religion and the sociology of religion, two aspects of comparative religion. In the context of many religious organisations themselves, the study of cultic or liturgical practises is called liturgiology. Opinion from fact: The only obvious information contained here is "How to debate religion and its meaning" Further, the information issued here is not from Mormons/LDS members and can not be taken to heart because they are the biased and cynical ranting of those who believe that "Christians" are the only true religion. Mormonism isn't a cult by definition. It is a recognized and accepted form of religion practiced in the world today. Arrogance through ignorance would have one to believe that because Joseph Smith brought the word of God forth in the manner and time that he did, It certainly couldn't be true. The same could be said for the Pope, the countless Evangelists and even the home town preacher, all of whom believe their versions of the "truth" are tantamount to all. Mormons DO NOT believe they will become "God Like" nor do they believe that they will become God. They do believe that they will become creatures of the heavens, angels if you will. But….The Christians WOULD have their followers believe they are God Like, hence the name "Christians" or Christ-Like, as in "The deity of Christ, that Jesus is the SAME God as God the Father" This completely exacerbates their idea of the Trinity. The loose use of the term "orthodox" does not apply to Christian religions. Orthodox is reserved for the original religions from which the Christian religions is based on. Also, having "Orthodox" in the name of a religion doesn't make it so either. Baptists have been around for only 400 years. I know this seems like a long time, but in the spirit of the "God Makers" this would qualify Baptists as a cult as well, further facilitated by the preachers of the 18th and early 19th centuries leading their "flocks" into underground caves and causing them to parish from cave-ins and starvation, all in the name of the Lord. I offer, speak what you know through investigation and through the members of a faith, not from your local bible thumper. He wants you by his side, even in the caves, in the dark so you can't see the truth! OpinionMormonism is considered cult-like because it bears the characteristics of a cult in a factual sense. No amount of insults by Mormons will change that fact. (For the record, I am not a member of any particular church) Christians who know their Bible know that the Mormons do not follow Bible doctrines. It is frankly dishonest to use Bible terminology and invest it with a different meaning and then pretend that one is a Christian.It must also be said that I am here dealing with facts. I bear the Mormons no personal animosity as I have always found them to be friendly and personable, whether a missionary or an ordinary church member, or a high official of the church. The often repeated idea that those who regard Mormons to be cult-like have some kind of grudge against Mormons must be laid to rest. It's just a fact. What they teach is not what the Bible teaches and what Christians have always believed and the Christian church has always taught from its inception. Slight Edit: In regards to the second paragraph of the above opinion, it should be noted that Mormons do actually follow Biblical Doctrine. Latter Day Saints find that mainstream Christianity does not follow Biblical Doctrine, abandoning the majority of the Old Testament (save it be Proverbs and Psalms) and changing commandments found in the New Testament, such as tithing, necessity of baptism, and the essential structure of Christ's church.Many Mormon Doctrines can actually be found in the Ancient Christian church. For example, the Orthodox Christian Trinity is not a Biblical doctrine, it was actually accepted by the Nicene Creed of 325 in which Constantine (a non christian) decided the relationship between God, Christ, and the Holy Ghost.AnswerA cult is, as stated originally, is a belief system that emphasizes devotion according to prescribed ritual. Many cults follow a living human leader, and often their adherents live in groups apart from the rest of society. All religions began as cults: Christianity following Christ, Buddhism following Buddha, Islam following Muhammad. Once those leaders died, it no longer was considered a cult, if it survived. It then became a Religious Sect. This then evolved into an Established Sect, then into a Denomination, then into a Universal Church. Mormonism actually fits between the definition of a denomination and an established sect.