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Here is the easiest way to find latios and latias in emerald: If you have a ruby and sapphire game with latias and latios in it trade them to emerald then use the pokedex to track it down, if you don't have those games you can do what i did and go to mauville city and go to the route on your left and stay in the grass until you know for sure there not there, then go to the route to the right of mauville city and keep going back forth until you find latios and latias, now you need a wobuffet (or anything with arena trap or shadow tag) out first in your party and when you do find latias or latios weaken it until its at red hp now use loads of ultra balls to get it.. Or use the masterball as soon as you find one of them but you WILL have to get one of them the hard way unless you win the lottery in the lilycove dept store, when you get the grand prize its a masterball then you can use that on the other lati you didn't get.

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Q: What is the easiest way to find latios and latias in emerald?
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Where to find latias in emerald?

You can find Latias and latios anywhere in Hoenn. You just have to get lucky.

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You can only get latias in sapphire get latios from ruby or emerald.

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Your Home

How you find latias or latios in Pokemon emerald?

after beating league champion in woods and water.

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you cant catch latias or latios in diamond/pearl. you can migrate latias and latios from emerald, ruby, sapphire. in case you dont know, you get latias/latios at the end of the game and the mother tells you what color(red-latias/blue-latios) the guy on tv says. the hard part is to find it. it randomly appears any where on hoenn.

Can you mix records from Sapphire to Emerald to find Latias even though in emerald I have Latios and that I am still looking for Latias in Sapphire and I haven't seen her yet in Sapphire?

I'm shore you can

Where to get latias in Pokemon Emerald?

there is no specific place to find latias but after you battle the elite four latias or latios can appear randomly and you can keep track of its area through the pokedex

How do you get the next legendary Pokemon in emerald after Latias and Latios?

You'll have to cheat(which is ashame) OR use a walkthough to find out

How do you catch latias or latios in emerald?

If you want to catch Latios or Latias in Emerald, follow these steps. #1Beat the Elite Four. When the credits end, go to the TV. The TV will say something about a Pokemon soaring through the sky. Then it will ask what color it was. I recommend blue. #2Wonder the Hoenn Reigon. Eventually, you'll find Latios or Latias -SLICK

Where is the Pokémon what was on the tv on Pokémon Emerald?

the Pokemon on the tv on Pokemon emerald version are latios and latias. If you say it was a blue Pokemon, you'll be looking for latios; if you say red you will find latias. Latios and Latias fly to different areas on the map. If, for example, a Latias is on Route 118, and you fly to Mauville, the Latias might move, this also sometimes happens if you are walking and then walk onto a different route. Hope this improved definition helps! 8)

Which legendaries can you get in Pokemon Emerald?

Legendary pokemon you can find in emerald are (without cheats & events) Rayquaza, Groudon, Kyogre, Regirock, Regice, and Registeel.You can get latios OR latias in pokemon emerald too.rayquaza,kyogre,grouden,jirachi,deoxys and i think mew

Where to find latios in diamond?

You must find AR codes for latios/latias are not wild in Diamond. I do not have an AR code for latios/latias. Sorry.