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He steals from the rich and gives to the poor.he relates to the average man in todays society

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Q: What is the enduring popularity of Robin Hood?
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Was Robin Hood evil?

It’s funny. Not so long ago I stumbled over a few stories in some musty old books about a guy who always stood up for what was right and fair. At first, I thought he might have just been something that British people made up to sing songs about. But now, I’m starting to wonder if there could have actually been a rebel like him out there. Check out the YouTube video "Who is Robin Hood: Myth, Man, or Both?"

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robin hood is the most famous and the best because my brother IS robin hood

Is Robin Hood single?

No, Robin Hood is not single.

What is the birth name of Christopher Robin Hood?

Christopher Robin Hood's birth name is Hood, Christopher Robin.

Who is robin longstride?

Robin Longstride is given as the name for Robin Hood in the 2010 movie, Robin Hood.

Was Robin Hood ever friends with the sheriff?

In the Robin Hood ballads, yes he did. No. The sheriff failed to capture Robin Hood.

Who was Robin Hood helping?

Robin Hood was helping the poor.

Who is most famous Robin Hood or Adele?

robin hood is the most famous and the best because my brother IS robin hood

Is Robin Hood a noble?

Robin Hood has become an epic hero.

What were the differences between Robin Hood of Errol and Robin Hood of greenwood?

the only Errol I know associated with Robin Hood is Errol Flynn who played Robin Hood in the 1939 film.

Who plays Robin Hood in the series Robin Hood?

Jonas Armstrong

When was Robin Hood living?

Robin Hood was living in Sherwood forest.