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Before you get the National-Dex, Victini is number 000 in the Pokedex which is very rare since it shouldn't really exist.

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Q: What makes victini so special?
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When and where is the next special Nintendo events in the US?

There is going to be a movie for Victini so that chance can appear once again for people that missed it.

Is it possible to re do the victini event in pokmeon white?

It's only if they choose to do the Special Event again of Victini. They passed 2 events of Victini. I'm sure they'll get another one soon probably.

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it makes it special because is so peacefull

How do you get Victini in Pokemon White?

by a special event ticket. see for further details

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what makes Georgia special is that it's just so wonderful!

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She makes special brownies. she made them so much, she became special

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what makes Georgia special is that it's just so wonderful!

How does victini learn v create?

If you have wifi between the 3rd of december to the 31st you get to use wifi connection to get it if you have black and white victini knows v-create, bolt strike, fusion flarte , and searing shot. Also if you don't but you have an Action Replay you can teach it to Victini with the TM 83 modifier

What is the date for you to catch victini in Pokemon white?

I'm not exactly sure what you meant by that, but Victini is an event-only Pokemon, by either means of Mystery Gift for Liberty Pass or the December 2011 V-Create Victini by WFC, so far. Both have passed already, and it is unsure whether there will be more Victini events. Victini - Liberty Pass - March-April 2011 V-Create Victini- December 2011

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celeberties are so special because they can save you<(")that's a penguin

What makes a place unique?

it makes it special because is so peacefull