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She is saying she is wealthy and powerful e.g the crown next to her and expensive clothes/jewellery. She is saying shes a powerful war leader e.g Armana in the background being defeated. Phillip wanted England to be Catholic and Elizabeth is showing the protestants can win. She is a dominate figure- hand on globe to signal an empire: e.g America, Africa especially - e.g Franis Drake captured slaves.

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13y ago
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12y ago

she is making herself look wealthy and strong to show to her people what a good queen she was.In the background shows the defeat of the Spanish and the victorious English with yellow rays of sun shining down on them. Elizabeth thought her hands were her best feature so shows them of by putting her hand on England showing her realm to England.

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13y ago

She went to war with Spain and fought with them. In the end, England won :D *cheers*

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Q: What messages was Elizabeth sending in the armada portrait?
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The Armada portrait of Elizabeth the First by George Gower, dated ?1588, oil on oak, at Woburn Abbey. The Spanish Armada off the English Coast by Cornelius Caesz van Weiringen 1620-1625 The defeat of the Spanish Armada by Phillipe Jaques de Loutherboug 1796

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