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Robin Hood was a fictional character that began in the 1200's as an oral poem. Through the years the story has changed and characters added to it. In fact, the story is still evolving because of movies and new additions of characters.

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Which came first Robin Hood or king Arthur?

King Arthur was a fictional king.The king was Richard the lion heart, during the Robin Hood era.

Was Robin Hood evil?

no Robin Hood was not evil yes Robin Hood was evil

Who is more famous Robin Hood or Adele?

robin hood is the most famous and the best because my brother IS robin hood

When did Robin Hood start to steal?

During the time of "Charlie" and "Omek"

Is Robin Hood single?

No, Robin Hood is not single.

What TV shows have been based on Robin Hood?

Beyond Sherwood Forest was a TV show produced in 2009. It starred Robert Dunne as Robin Hood. In 2008, Jason Braly starred as Robin Hood in "Robin Hood: Prince of Sherwood". Princess of Thieves was made in 2001. There were many other TV shows based on Robin Hood during the 70"s, 80"s, and 90"s.

What is the birth name of Christopher Robin Hood?

Christopher Robin Hood's birth name is Hood, Christopher Robin.

Who is robin longstride?

Robin Longstride is given as the name for Robin Hood in the 2010 movie, Robin Hood.

Was Robin Hood ever friends with the sheriff?

In the Robin Hood ballads, yes he did. No. The sheriff failed to capture Robin Hood.

How long did Robin Hood live for?

It is believed that the legendary figure of Robin Hood lived during the late 12th and early 13th centuries, although historical evidence of his existence is scant. The exact lifespan of Robin Hood is unknown due to the lack of concrete historical records.

Who was Robin Hood helping?

Robin Hood was helping the poor.

Who is most famous Robin Hood or Adele?

robin hood is the most famous and the best because my brother IS robin hood