I'd say the most powerful moves would be better for it. An item that helps Salamence would also be good for it.--------------Devon Allen Jones
Like Dragonite, Salamence is a Dragon and Flying type. It's only weaknessess are: Ice type moves Rock type moves Dragon type moves
Here's a pretty strong team I used to have: Salamence Rayquaza Altaria Tyranitar - (Not Dragon but Awesome) Garchomp Flygon MOVES: Salamence; -Dragon Claw -Dragon Dance -Flamthrower -Slash Rayquaza; -Dragon Pulse -Extreme Speed -Hyper Beam -Fly Altaria; -Ice Beam -Flamethrower -Double Team -Aerial Ace Tyranitar; -Stone Edge -Shadow Claw -Earthquake -Focus Blast Garchomp; -Swords Dance -Aerial Ace -Dragon Claw -Fire Blast Flygon; -Earthquake -Sandstorm -Double Team -Dragon claw
Salamence is weak against Ice (4x the damage), Fairy, Rock, and Dragon-type attacks.
salamance is a dragon and flying type and is weak to electric, rock, dragon, and ice types. charizard is a fire and flying type and is weak to water, electric, and rock types.
I can honistly say that i am a Pokemon expert. there is no TM for dragon dance that I know of and i don't belive salamance can learn dragon dance so i say no it is not possable for salamance to learn dragon dance sorry. This is wrong. Salamence can learn Dragon Dance only by breeding. For this to work you need a female Bagon/Shelgon/Salamence and a male Pokemon who knows the move you want, for this case Dragon Dance. If you cant get the Pokemon to breed, take different Pokemon. It will work at some point. And....Voila ! You now (After getting the egg to hatch) a Bagon who knows Dragon Dance. :D
Dragon Pluse Fly Or Any good flying type move Flamethrower Or Heatwave Earthquake Or Zen Headbutt.
i would say garchomp because it is ground and it can use dragon rush.
Salamence is a Dragon and Flying type pokemon.
They Protect you hand, the only better gloves are rune, dragon, and Barrows
Salamence does not learn Dragon Dance by leveling up. It can learn Dragon Dance from its father as an Egg Move.
EVs: 248Attack/252Speed/10Special Attack Nature: Naive Item: Choice Band Moves: Outrage Earthquake Stone Edge Fire Blast Also these are recommended: Dragon Dance Dragon Claw Flamethrower Earthquake
Adamant Dragons do not exist. The highest-tier metal dragon is still Mithril.
Elite Four Drake (Dragon-type user) has a Salamence.
Salamence is #373 in the national pokedex, and it is a Dragon-Flying type Pokemon.
Salamence is a Dragon and Flying-type and because of which its weaknesses are Rock, Ice and Dragon prior to Pokemon X and Y however Fairy-types were added as a weakness for Salamence as of X and Y.
The only in-game dragon Pokemon you can get are salamence, altaria, and rayquaza