The cast of The Short Films of David Lynch - 2002 includes: Jeffe Alperi as Policeman ("Lumiere and Company") Robert Chadwick as Father ("The Grandmother") Harry Dean Stanton as Slim ("The Cowboy and the Frenchman") Eddy Dixon as Rock-a-billy Guy ("The Cowboy and the Frenchman") Frederic Golchan as Pierre the Frenchman ("The Cowboy and the Frenchman") Rick Guillory as Howdy ("The Cowboy and the Frenchman") Michael Horse as Broken Feather ("The Cowboy and the Frenchman") Patrick Houser as Gun Twirler ("The Cowboy and the Frenchman") Sergio Kato as Policeman Stan Lothridge as Policeman ("Lumiere and Company") Peggy Lynch as Girl ("The Alphabet") David Lynch as Himself - Narrator Virginia Maitland as Mother ("The Grandmother") Dorothy McGinnis as Grandmother ("The Grandmother") Jack Nance as Pete ("The Cowboy and the Frenchman") Russ Pearlman as Dead Son ("Lumiere and Company") Pam Pierrocish as Mother ("Lumiere and Company") Clyde Small as Father ("Lumiere and Company") Talisa Soto as French Girl ("The Cowboy and the Frenchman") Tracey Walter as Dusty ("The Cowboy and the Frenchman")
A smurf to a Frenchman means someone that does or makes. Smurfs are also popular in French since they are a fictional cartoon created by a Belgian artist.
a slang word for breakdancing
Lady Diana Spencer had several affairs, but apparently none with any Frenchman.
The Smurf cartoon actually originated from a comic strip in France. It was based on Johan & Pirlouit but was referred to as Les Schtroumpfs.
Cocktail aperitif
An aperitif is a before dinner drink. Sake is rice wine from Japan. Sake does, however, make an excellent aperitif.
the best alternative aperitif for sherry
Aperitif for Destruction was created on 2005-05-24.
The cast of Aperitif - 2012 includes: Jim Dandee as Husband Christine Koesler as Wife
It a drink (most of the time an alcoholic one) taken before to eat
it is an aperitif
The plural form of "Frenchman" is "Frenchmen."
Arak has an anise flavor.
Ouzo is a Greek aperitif